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      Bella walked back into the CIA headquarters as her pager went off. She was being called into the briefing room. She walked in.

      “Ah, and she’s on time!” Lenox announced as he and Carter applauded her.

      Bella rolled her eyes and took her seat. “So what do we got?”

      “Well,” Chief Newton began. “Lenox was able to pull the flight records, it seems the plane landed in Cabos, but the surveillance shows that they got in a black SUV and left. Kennedy was alive, and we were able to get a match on one of the faces of our kidnappers.” An image appears.

      “Professor Emmanuel Alhabi, he’s a descendant of Joseph Alhabi. My guess is, he wanted his grandfather’s stuff back.”

“If he just wanted the artifact, why did he kidnap Kennedy? Couldn’t he just snatch the thing and go?” Bella asked.

      “That’s what we need you to find out. We’re sending you to Cabos. Your mission is to find Emmanuel Alhabi, find out all you can about this thing, get Kennedy and the artifact. Lennox will go with you. Your plane leaves in 2 hours. Dismissed.”


      “You’re already leaving?!” Blakely complained as Bella started packing her suitcase.

      “I know, it really sucks, but work is work. I can’t just say no.”

      “Sure you can! You said it about a hundred times at breakfast this morning!”

“Yeah, well you’re my sister, you don’t handle my check every month. Look, I’ll only be gone for a few days and then I’ll be back home. I promise.”

“Well then where are you going?”


“CABOS?! Oh come on!! You’re going to Cabos all by yourself and you still won’t let me come with you!? What kind of sister are you?!”

“Blakely!! I’m really stressed right now and I would appreciate it if you would just calm down!” Bella shouted as she zipped up her suitcase. “I know you want to come but you can’t. I’m sorry, but I’ll bring you back a souvenir.”

The doorbell rings. Bella walks to the door as Blakely follows behind her.

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