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I was never the first to arrive to anything so having to wait wasn't something I was used to at all. I am always late to everything and I don't even do it on purpose, I guess I'm just slow.

I sighed for the nth time as I checked the time again. Waiting wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't so fucking cold.

I was freezing and I was quickly loosing the little patience I had left. It was probably for the better that as soon as I decided to just head home I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

I turned around to see big green eyes staring innocently at me. I glared in return.

"What?" She asked.

"I've been waiting for twenty minutes and my ass is freezing."

She laughed and patted my head. "Maybe you should have dressed more appropriately."


"Like, you could have put on gloves, a scarf, a warmer jacket and maybe a beanie."

She described pretty much what she was wearing. I looked her up and down and reached for her head to take her beanie. "Then give me this."

"Hey!" She protested slapping my hand away. "My hair is a mess, the beanie is there for a reason."

I shook my head at her logic and started walking ahead.

"Cam! Wait for me."


We were Christmas shopping... or more like she was, since I didn't have many presents to buy in the first place.

"Rach, if we're going to spend one more minute here-"

"Look at these!" She interrupted, showing me a pair of pink gloves.

I stared dumbly.

She nudged me. "Aren't you cold?"


"So..." she trailed off, "these are very warm."

I furrowed my brows, confused.

She sighed. "You know, if you put them on your hands they keep you warm in the cold, haven't you ever seen a pair of gloves?"

"Of course I know what gloves are!" I said defensively.

"Okay. Then... since you're cold, these are going to be my Christmas present for you."

I looked at them dubiously. "But they're pink." I said, almost disgustedly.

"So?" She asked challengingly.

"Well..." I stammered. "Can-can't I at least choose the color?"

"Uhm..." She seemed to be thinking about it. "Nope."

I groaned. "Then I don't want them."

She was smiling now. "But it's a gift... you can't refuse a gift."

My Neighbor's TV (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now