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October 31st saw me dressed up as myself in front of my neighbor's TV with a bowl of popcorn on my lap and my dearest neighbor on my right.

She was eating absentmindedly from her own bowl of popcorn while I glanced at her amusedly. She had put on makeup and had a bright red lipstick on because it apparently suited the Halloween atmosphere. She looked cute and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" She asked, mouth full, turning towards me.

"Nothing." I replied and turned my attention back to the TV. We were watching some comedy on Halloween day and I couldn't understand how Ann could be so immersed in it.

I looked at her, again, but this time she caught my stare and glared at me. "Stop looking at me."


"It's distracting me."

I furrowed my brows. "How is it distracting you?"

"I have peripheral vision."

I couldn't understand if she was serious or what and so I burst out laughing. She threw a popcorn at me. "Stop, I'm trying to watch a movie here. Say what you have to say."

I smiled now. "You look cute today."

Her eyes widened before her hand moved to throw another popcorn at me. "Shut up."


Since it was Halloween and I had decided to spend it with her, Ann insisted on having a real Halloween experience. And what was Halloween without a scary movie?

So we did watch one. The movie was called, guess what, 'Halloween' and Ann reassured me that it wasn't that scary so I didn't have to squeeze her to death this time. The palm of my hands became sweaty as it started and I placed the empty bowl of popcorn on the small table in front of me so I could move more freely, you know, just in case.

"The kid looks like my brother." I said turning my head to look at Ann.

"He doesn't."

"How would you know anyway? They are both chubby and have the same creepy smile."

She sighed. "I'm your neighbor, I've seen your brother before."

"So you can say they look alike." I insisted.

"They don't. Your brother isn't blonde and he has dark eyes just like yours."

I sat up. "Wait, my eyes are not dark."

We were looking at each other now. I squinted my eyes as she came closer to inspect them. "Your eyes are dark, they seem almost black but they are actually dark brown." She proclaimed as she leaned back.

I was about to comment on her exceptional eyesight in the dark when I saw the kid in the movie kill another kid with his bare hands. I reached out for Ann's arm, hearing her sigh. "You said it wouldn't be scary." I whined.

Ann laughed and shook her head. "You call this scary?" She took my hand then, trying to loosen my grip on her arm. As she failed though, she took a deep breath and relaxed on the couch. "I see that I'll have to endure your deathly grasp, again."

I smiled, bringing my other arm around her stomach to hug her.


I woke up to find myself drooling. Still with my eyes closed, I could feel something very soft and comfortable under my head and I snuggled closer to it.

I opened one eye slowly seeing the TV in front of me and realizing that I was sleeping on Ann's couch and apparently on Ann herself. Opening my eyes wide now, I examined the situation. I was laying between Ann's legs, my head comfortably nestled on her soft chest, my arms wrapped around her body.

My Neighbor's TV (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now