Chapter 16

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Quick Reminder Of What Happened Last Time:
-Francesca pretended to be Marco's girlfriend to please his parents, but everything went wrong.

Francesca's P.O.V:
----/ 17 Days 'Till Amor Aeternus \----

"Have a nice day." I said to the costumer as he left the coffee shop. Working here gets even more boring every single day! "Hey there, Mama's boy." I joked as Marco came in.

He frowned. "Say good day, Francesca, we're not savages, after all." He joked back then we laughed. It's kinda funny having him mock his parents. He's so polite!

I smiled. "How's it going?"

"Amazing! I feel light as a feather!" He exclaimed. "I don't have to worry about trying to become king of the world anymore. I don't have to worry about my every move being reported to my parents through a web of spies. Hell, Imcould get demoted and I wouldn't care." I smiled. "That rash is starting to go away..." He said but the covered his mouth with his hand.

"Rash?" I questioned.

"Nevermind that." He quickly replied. "In short, I'm still walking on air." He smiled. "And it's all thanks to you." He added. "I was too scatter brained last night to say that I have no idea how to repay you."

I shook my head. "Please. That dress and those jewels were not nothing."

"Yeah, but that's just stuff. I feel like I need to give you something better than that. How can I ever repay you?"

"Listen -"

I started but got cut-off by him. "No seriously. Do you have a runaway sister who l can help you track down?" He asked, smiling.

"Really -"

Again, got cut off by him. "Maybe I can help you connect with a grandparent who never understood you!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, pal, if you want to bother someone you've come to the wrong place." Tomas butted in.

"He's -"

I started saying but got cut off by Marco.

What, is it the cut Francesca off day?

"I'm not bothering her, l'm just offering to help." Marco shrugged.

"She doesn't need help, she needs to be left alone to do her job!" Tomas exclaimed angrily.

Marco crossed his arms. "How do you know what she needs?" He started raising his voice.

"I -" I began saying but... Yah know what happened.

"It's not hard to see she doesn't need you jumping up and down in her face." Tomas replied.

"Who's jumping, buddy?" Marco exclaimed angrily.

"Don't play with me, kid." Tomas replied.

Oh god. This'll never stop unless I stop it. Hmm... I guess I can scold them.

"CHILDREN!!" I shouted as both of them jumped of fear and looked at me. "Stop this nonsense! I have never seen such an immature display from two grown men in my life. Oh, I just love being told what I 'need' by other people." I said sarcastically, air quoting need. "And being ignored while I'm standing nearby scratches a kind of itch for me. But for some reason, I'm just not in the mood for it today. So you may both go back to your lives now, thank you."

"Heh. Uh... See you around then." Marco awkwardly said before leaving.

"... Sorry." Tomas apologized and walked away.

30 Days To Find Love || Diecesca FanFictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon