Chapter 7

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(Fran's clothes in media)

~~~~ Last Time On '30 Days To Find Love' ~~~~

Onna groaned. "What am I gonna do now? I feel like everything I took for granted just vanished! " She exclaimed.

"You didn't see this coming at all? I mean... " Alexia trailed. "You two fight 24/7. "

I nodded my head. "Girl's got a point. "

"We weren't even fighting. " We gave her 'the look'. "Okay, we were fighting a little bit, but I thought things would go back to normal. We always fought, even before we got married, but things always got better fast. This time only got worst. Fast. "

"What were you fighting about? " I asked.

"When the fight started, it was about doing the dishes. When it ended, it was about him feeling trapped by our relationship... "

"That's pretty heavy... " I said.


"So if I'm not boring, why did he leave? "

"Listen, I know I'm usually just a shoulder to cry on, and don't get me wrong I love that part too... " I trailed. "But if you'll take some advice from your little sis, I think that you have to remind him of those good times. "

"I can't do those cross country road trips anymore and music festivals. Those days hurt my ears. "

"That wasn't what's special about you two, it was how you both lived in the moment. You just need to find a way to get back to that feeling. " I explained.

"I can't promise I'll follow your advice, but thanks anyways. " She said as we all hugged for a few seconds.


"Don't you have some kind of supernatural work to do? "

"Actually, no. "

"We're grounded. " He said.

I chuckled. "Excuse me? Were you past cerfew? " I asked sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. " Maxi said annoyed. "We're being punished for screwing up you death. " He added.

"Yeah, and now both of us have to tag along with you because of his mess. " León said.

"We're not allowed to do anything except watch you until 'Amor Aeternus' is here. "

"Why can't you just stay invisible and silent until then? " I asked annoyed.

"Like I said... " León trailed.

"We're bored. " Maxi finished for him.

I sighted. "Fine. But I've had a stressful day making my sister happy. So you two need to shut up while I'm watching. "

León started laughing. "Making your sister happy?! Haven't you learned anything from us? She's nit going to find true love, and you watching a rom-com won't change that. "

I am not going to let him walk all over me!

"Listen, León. I know you're bored with your crappy immortal life... " I trailed as he gasped and Maxi chuckled. "But that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us, right? " I asked fake smiling.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching you burn. " He said angrily as he disappeared.

"Nice one! I must be off now. Remember, we have an eye on you. " Maxi said before disappearing as well.

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