Chapter 9 {Part 1}

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(Fran's clothes in media)

~~~~ Last Time On '30 Days To Find Love' ~~~~

"Shouldn't you be out looking for Mr. Right? " I sighted and turned around and saw Maxi and León.

"Since when are you concerned with my life? " I said to León.

"He's not. He's just making small talk. " Maxi said.

"You don't say?! " I asked sarcastically. "I should just give you both the silent treatment for the next few weeks. "

"Please no! " León begged.

Well... First time for everything, I guess.

"Can't you two keep each other entertained? " I asked.

"You tend to run out of conversation topics after a few thousand years. " Maxi said, sighting.


"But if you're going to make us wait 'till Amor Aeternus to let us take you... " I glared at León. "... Might as well live in style. " Is he being supportive? "At least it'll be more intreating for us. "

I spoke too soon.

"Thanks. That's really encouraging. " I sarcastically said. "Now if you don't mind, I have an interview to get to. "

"Wait. Stay and talk about... Anything for a while. " León desperately said. "Please. You don't know how many times he's told me about the grace of god. "

I rolled my eyes at him and got out of the house.


"Well, Francesca, I can tell you've got the natural instinct to be a designer. Plus, you're smart, your reference had amazing things to say about you, and your outfit is fabulous. "

I smiled. "Thank you. "

"I have to ask: If you're accepted to this competition, why do you think you'll win? "

Well that's one heck of a question.

"Umm... My patience. Being a batista, you have to satisfy a hundred different costumers in a day. Each one of them has their own personality. But they all think you're wasting their time. If you don't have patience to deal with all of them, everything falls apart. " He smiled. "If I can handle with those costumers, I can deal with fabric. " I added, smiling.

"Interesting. " He said while nodding his head. Thank you for your time, Francesca. We'll be in touch soon. "

"Thank you. This means a lot to me. "


Francesca POV
---/ 23 Days 'Till Amor Aeternus \----

"There ya go. Have a good day. " I said giving the order to the costumer.

I was currently in the coffee shop, getting bored to death.

I really hope that León and Maxi didn't hear that...

I turned around from the cashier and took a cup to make a coffee for me.


I'm sleepy.

"Hi, welcome to... " I said as I heard the bell ding. I turned around. "Oh! Hey. " I said happily as I saw Diego.

"Hey! How was the interview? " He asked, smiling.

"It was good, but god knows how many other people they saw. "

"Did you turn up the charm? " He asked, smirking.

I laughed. "All the way to twelve. " I replied, smirking as well.

"I've actually got some news of my own. I'm applying to continue music school. " He exclaimed happily.

I smiled. "That's amazing! " I exclaimed.

"I've saved up enough so that I can afford it, if I get a good scholarship. "

"You'll get it. " I said, nodding.

He smiled and thanked me, took his order and left.


I was currently cleaning the coffee shop when my phone vibrated. I looked at it and saw a text from Alexia. Let's see what she wants this time.

' I'm currently @ Onna's place. David said he's coming over in an hour. He said he wanted 2 talk 2 Onna. Come here ASAP. Onna needs our support. '

I sighed.

I though my day was done for the day!

Oh well.

I'll be too late if I take the train. I need to ask someone for a ride... Fast.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his phone number.

*Phone Convo*

Fran: "Hey! I need you to take me to a place. "

??: "Sure thing. Where are you now? "

Fran: "I'm outside the coffee shop. "

??: "Oookay. Where are we heading? "

Fran: "White Plains. My sister needs me. "

??: "Okay. I'll meet you in 5 minutes. See you later. "

Fran: "Thank you! I owe you. B-Bye!! "

*End Of Phone Convo*

I hang up, closed the coffee shop and waited for him to come.



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And who do u think Fran called?

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See u next time!

~Nour xox ❤️💙😘

30 Days To Find Love || Diecesca FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin