Marcus raised his eyebrow and asked “What is the side effect?”

Ruby took his arm and put the needle in his arm, Luna looked away, she didn’t like the sight of needles in arms, Marcus flinched as the pain nearly hit a nerve, Ruby injected the green substance, it started to work quickly as his whole body went numb for a while, but Marcus looked down and found himself erect and nearly bulging out of his trousers, Luna looked peeking through her fingers but as she looked her eyes were focused in one place as she said “Is it done..... My Marcus are you ok or are you just happy to see us both?”

Marcus was still looking down, then he looked up at Ruby who was putting the away the needle and syringe, Ruby started to rummage in the bag as she did she took out a scalpel and some sterilise gel to clean out the wound, Marcus as said with a calm look “Ah i see what the side effect is”

Luna had a big grin on her face like a giggly school girl, Ruby too had a smile on her face as well but her smile was like a Cheshire Cat from ear to ear, Ruby took Marcus’s hand and made a deeper incision, he couldn’t feel  it but through his mind he was worried, Luna had done this kind of thing before but not with a fresh wound, blood was pouring from his hand as Ruby started to lower his arm and it started to drip into a flask, Ruby looked up and said to Luna “Well give it a while until it stops, then i can clean the wound properly then Luna can lick it up afterwards”

Marcus looked at Luna who kissed him passionately on the lips her eyes was closed and to Marcus it felt like silk, once Luna had stopped  Marcus looked at her and said “I couldn’t feel that you know?”

Luna said “i know but i hope you feel better”

After a period of time Marcus looked down and his blooded hand stopped bleeding and Marcus looked pale all the colour from his skin was gone, Ruby took his hand and used the gel and started to clean the wound with cotton, Ruby could see that it went through the hand, now cam the bit Luna hated,  Ruby started to sow up the wound and once again Luna looked away,  after she finished she started to pack everything away, Luna started to lick the wound in and around the stitches, Luna had a another smile, Marcus could see that Ruby was bent over sorting out her little doctors bag, Luna had noticed and took one finger and moved Marcus’s head slowly towards her, until he was looking directly at her, with a smile and a little giggle she opened her fur coat as it dropped to the floor, Luna still had a smile as she said to Marcus “lets play doctors, i’m the nurse and your the patient”   

Ruby turned round and said “Well if that is the case i play the patents visitor and leave you two alone, oh don’t forget to use the rectal thermometer”

Ruby walked out and shut the door, Luna started to lick Marcus’s hand again, the wound started to heal, Luna’s smile grew as she started to open his belt and his trousers and said “Well considering what has happen i am going to take advantage of this, by the way what did she mean by rectal thermometer? ”

Ruby walked out of the bedroom holding the bag and the vile of Marcus’s blood, she put both on the small table, she could tell and hear Luna going all out in the bathroom, Ruby sighed as was heading to the kitchen but as she walked by Gwen started stirring in her sleep to the point of just waking up, Ruby walked up to Gwen, had her hands behind her back and bent down to ask her “How do you feel?”

Gwen too had a headache and a hangover as her head felt like a constant drum beat, her hair was messy and stringy, and her glasses were on the floor, as were her torn t-shirt, socks, and her jeans, as she stirred her cover laid on her stomach, she was in her bra and knickers, one bra strap was down past her shoulder, she was holding her head and groaning her vision was blurry but she could make out Ruby bending over she could see right down her swim suit as Gwen said to her “Ruby? My head what happened last night and what are you wearing?”

The Gaurdian LoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora