“Huh?” Millie asked.

Trey found that he had actually voiced the question. He might as well ask her straight out now.

“Why are you still here when you know that you could be in danger?”

Millie sighed and said nothing for a moment. Finally, she cleared her throat.

“I don’t really know. Common sense tells me to get away from here and never look back, but…” her voice faded away.

“But what?” Trey pressed.

“I can’t. I don’t know why. Inside my feet are running, but I can’t get them to move on the outside. I think maybe God has another purpose for me here” Millie said.

Trey sighed. He sure hoped she was right. The thought of Millie leaving made his stomach queasy.

“Of course, I don’t want to leave you” Millie said.

Trey looked over at her and smiled.

“A-And Quinn and the others” Millie added quickly.

They neared a wide open space of abandoned fields, covered with grass and weeds, and Trey sighed.

“Here it is. Glorious looking, huh?” he said.

Millie pulled Hank to a stop and jumped down. “It’s not that bad. Once you start plowing and such, I’m sure it will look up.”

Trey dismounted Graceful. “Yeah, well I’m not sure how long that’s gonna take. After Clayton’s father died the land just sat here. It’s gonna take some work to get it plowed up again.”

“Well, you’re not scared of a little work, are ya?” Millie smiled.

“No, I guess not” Trey said.

Millie sat under a nearby tree and leaned up against it, patting a place beside her.

“Sit down and tell me about it” She said.

“Tell you about what?” Trey asked as he sat next to her.

“What’s botherin’ you. You look like you just lost your best friend” Millie said.

Trey rubbed his forehead. “There’s nothing botherin’ me.”

“I ain’t stupid, Trey. Pap always told me that it’s best to blurt out what’s got ya down so you can get on with the day. So come on, spit it out” Millie said.

Trey narrowed his eyes at her. She knew she wouldn’t normally get away with talking to him in such a way. He pursed his lips and stared out at the fields.

“If you don’t wanna tell me, that’s fine. Just don’t let it fester too long” Millie leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed.

Trey smiled. It felt like a fly had landed on his shoulder instead of Millie leaning against him.

Millie couldn’t resist a smile as a chilly wind blew her hair out of her face and sent a shiver through her. I spite of Trey’s melancholy mood and the freezing temperatures, the moment was perfect. Breathing deep of the clean air, she couldn’t resist wrapping her arm around Trey’s for the warmth of him. He apparently felt her shivering.

“You cold?” he asked.

Millie shook her head. “I’m fine.”

She looked up at the sky, dark clouds hovered over them, preventing the sun from shining. Perhaps it hadn’t been the best idea to go riding.

Trey put his hand over hers as it rested on his arm. “Your hands are freezing.”

Millie’s hands tingled as they always did at his touch. Trey removed his arm from hers and wrapped it around her, drawing her closer. Then, there was not a doubt in her mind about her feelings for this man. She wished he felt the same feeling, but there was never any telling what a man felt. Especially a man like Trey. So she just cherished his nearness while it lasted.

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