We Are The Guardians

Start from the beginning

I didn't answer him. It had gotten him frustrated as he didn't know what I was upset about. This is actually going to be a very interesting now. There was a strong era of confusion about to burst from his head.

"Right? What's wrong my queen? You should be happy that we have won the battle, it's not that other man is it? "

I had turned to him "What other man, there only has been one"

There has nothing been between us. He is in his fantasy of romance while I am with Drax. He thinks I must be the one for him since his eyes had slightly lit up.

"You mean I am the only one for you?"

"Sure, lets put it as that" I told him as Ronan's smile had disappeared.

"Anyways" Peter had interrupted "Let's just say that she's a woman of surprises"

"NO , NO SURPRISES! THIS IS THE ONLY THING I TRUELY WANTED ... YOU!" Ronan had looked at me and had expected some sort of kiss with it.

"How about taking over the galaxy" One random person said in the crowd of people.

"BESIDES THAT! SHE'S MY EVERYTHING NOW, MY QUEEN! " He had said. " I AM DONE WITH THIS GAME! NOW IT's TIME TO SHOW WHAT TO EXPECT ! PEOPLE OF XANDOR,THE TIME HAS COME TO REJOICE AND WORSHIP THE TRUE GODS!" Ronan had risen his staff then had turned his head to Peter who was do something rather odd.

He had been moving his body unlike any way I had seen a man move before. He was using pelvic sorcery with fool with our minds. He clearly messed up my mind just as much as he had harmed Ronans's.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Dance off Bro!" Peter had said. Ronan and I both tilted our heads at the same time. This was beyond anything I could even understand from this man! He is strange and twisted, but a member of my family and I love his goofiness.  Peter had glanced at me and had winked "Ava come and dance with me!"

I had shaken my head. I didn't know how to dance like this sorcery, he had tricked me already  with what ever he was doing. There was an urge to come and dance with him, but I had kept it rom showing. Even though I had a feeling that he was doing this to buy time.

"WHAT ARE YOUR DOING!?" Ronan had risen his voice to me. This was starting to greatly alarm me. Was he trying to curse me or something because this dance was disturbing.

"I am distracting you , purple turd!" Peter replied to him. Ronan had still gotten confused as to why he would do something as ridicules as dance for him to not get him destroy the plan. I kind of thought that this was hopeless . But that was just me?

Peter was dealing with Ronan for crying out loud!

I had heard rustles in the rubble. Ronan had followed my head as I turned to see Drax and Rocket preparing their weapon. I really had hoped that Drax would have known better to stay down, but apparently he didn't. Ronan didn't look hardly surprised as he had watched the blast meant to kill him turn to dust.

That however wasn't the only thing that turned to dust. Ronan's beloved weapon or staff, whatever it was had exploded as well . The only thing left from it, was the purple stone .

Peter and I were the ones who had decided to think quickly about this. We both had decided to reach out for it.  This was probably the only chance of saving the planet that I would ever get. This was the only chance of Frey to have a normal life.

My partner had looked at me as Ronan did the same. I had felt my fingertips touch the stone. I was so close to finally destroying the stone once and for all. But of course, Peter's hand had to touch mine. Ronan was furious that his wife was trying to have the power that he had, Peter was only a bit smug about it.

Gamora had yelled at us to not do this. She was right though we are pretty stupid. Two of the most stupid in the galaxy actually. I really should have known that my husband was alive, and should have really listened to my father all of those years ago but I didn't.

Because I am the guardian.

As Peter and I had cusped our hands together, we were pushed back from an explosion. We were then both pushed to the ground and a purple sphere had surrounded us.

When we had gotten up we both had felt the most pain that anyone could feel in their lives.  There was this heavy pumping in our blood veins that made it feel like it was going to explode. Our skin had felt like it was being cut open with the sharpest knife over a wild fire. Our skin was being peeled off and the only thing to do was to scream.

That's what we both did.

There's nothing else to do now. I know that I am going to get out of here alive , because of what happened earlier. But I wonder about everyone else, are we all going to make it?

Peter and I had kept on holding onto the stone as we had seen the smug face of Ronan seeing us in pain. There was nothing else that he had seen, only true pleasure. The purple sparkles in his eyes had invited me to come to him so I could feel no more pain.

But I need to stay here with my friends.

Gamora had yelled from the other side of the sphere for Peter. He had immediately turned his head to her and had seemed to space out. I had heard a voice as well too. I had turned to the other side, I had smiled lightly , Drax was a few feet from me.

"AVA ! TAKE MY HAND!!" He had told me.

I had reached over to take his hand, but I had held onto light delicate hands. When I had looked up, I had seen my mothers face. She hasn't aged a day since she had died. Her face was flawless and pure, her hair was flowing against the wind. She taken in tightly as her dark eyes never left mine.

Then she was gone, and Drax had felt the strength of a thousand deaths. He had moaned heavily and I had realised  what terrible thing I have done. Drax might not come out of this because of me, but I can't back down now. The longer we looked at eachother , the more skin and flesh I had seen come off of his face.

The pain had intensified as I had held onto it longer. The fire gotten hotter and the blades gotten deeper into my skin and my heart a second closer to exploding.

Then Rocket had grabbed Drax's hand through this. He had begun to feel the strong pain we all had felt.

We were all here.

Ronan had watched us all stand strong together as a team. He had glanced at us all then his eyes had locked to mine. " My love why? Why are you doing this to me?"

I suppose that my power has caused my friends to survive this. Cool at least, I can hang with these people for a while.

"I am in love with someone else Ronan" I had replied. "You never really owned me"

He had his eyes in complete shock. They were widened in fear as he known that he wasn't going to live on from this moment. This bastard gotten what he deserved.

"How can you do this?" He asked .

"Well you said it yourself man, We are the guardians of the galaxy " Peter had said beside me.

Well damn I wish I could have told him that. But I had to break his heart, but I suppose that's good enough for me. 

Peter had opened his hand, watching a tail of purple light from his hand and push onto Ronan's flesh then his body had risen up to us. He was moaning heavily from the pain  that we were feeling, but much more in depth .

He had screamed louder and louder until the purple light had consumed him.  Peter had then put the stone quickly into the sphere where it truly should be locked up in.

After that, the sky had cleared and everything was back to normal.


Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now