Diagnosing Attraction. Part 17

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Hey guys! How're you all doing? :)

Sorry it's been over a week, but I haven't been in my house that much all week! So I didn't have much time to write and I found this chapter difficult to write. But I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you are too :) 

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I hope you like it!!! :D

Video is of a singer that I've been in love with for a while :) Cannot wait for his début album :D You should all definitely check out RHODES.


"Let me grab my work stuff," Harrison said as he locked the door, before running over to his car. I got into my car and started the engine, as Harrison got a bag from his car and ran over to my car. As soon as he was in the car, I reversed out of his driveway and drove away.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" I asked Harrison worriedly, even though he probably didn't have a clue what was wrong.

"I don't know Amelia," he sighed and I could see him shake his head from the corner of my eye. "I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry too much, her radiotherapy has probably just caught up with her."

"Yeah, it's quite hard not to worry," I laughed slightly and glanced over at him. "But at least I have you to check on her," I think I'd be more worried if I didn't have Harrison. At least he can look at her when we get there and see if he can tell what's wrong.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious," he reached over and rested his hand over mine, which was tightly gripping the steering wheel.

"I hope you're right, because we can't deal with going through anything else," I don't think we could cope with another 'serious' thing. Dani was only just getting back into school and I was getting back to work, everything was so close to being back to normal.

"Let's just get there and I'll see what's wrong with her, then we'll see what we need to do. We might just need to get her stronger painkillers and make her get more rest, just to get over the radiotherapy and everything else she's had." He tried his best to reassure me, as he squeezed my hand and ran his thumb along the back of my hand.

We sat in silence the rest of the drive, since I was too wrapped up in my thoughts and I think Harrison knew that. I couldn't help but run through every possible thing that I could think of, trying to think of why Dani was ill again. I hoped that Harrison was right and all her radiotherapy had caught up with her, so she'll be alright after some painkillers and rest. But I just had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me it was worse than that.

I pulled up outside of Karen's house and turned off the car, before quickly getting out of the car. As Harrison and I made our way towards the house, the front door opened and Karen stood in the doorway. "She's in the living room," she said when we reached the front door and she stepped back, letting us into the house.

"Dani," I let her know I was here, as we walked into the living room and saw Dani lying on one of the couches.

"Amy," she looked over at me distressed and I crouched down on the floor beside her. "I don't know what happened, my back is just so sore," she said and I held her hand.

"Don't worry, Dr Harper is here to see what's wrong," I reassured her with a smile.

"It's the same routine as when we first met, I'm going to ask you a few questions," he explained and came over to us. "I'm going to need you to sit up for me Dani," he told her and helped her to sit up. "Where is the pain?"

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