"Who doesn't know what happened with Jonah?" Greg laughed.

"That's true. I think our whole apartment building was aware of what was happened with you two, but they knew that she was pregnant and that it was expected with that. Anyway, just lighten up a little with Elianna."

"Micky, I'm not being nasty."

"I never said you were, mate. I'm just saying, pregnant women are susceptible to remembering everything you done when pregnant. Ask Ella, she'll tell you things that I forget to doing."

"Look, just leave it, Micky. I shouldn't have snapped."

"Eli," Greg started.

"No, don't. I'm going to lie down, to see if it'll take away this uneasiness within me. I'll promise I'll wake up less angry," I said, kissing Greg on the forehead.

As I waddled off, I heard Micky and Greg mumbling to each other while keeping an eye on Jonah and his energetic tendencies.

I know it's pathetic fighting with your boyfriend over something so little but I feel like he's just mocking me. I hate to admit it but I feel like I'm just becoming the baby machine for him. Or the fucking machine as he likes to call me sometimes. It's stupid, I'm stupid for letting something so little come between us. But it's been on the edge since my attempt. The voice of reason hasn't came and I know we need to have the talk but it's just sitting on the edge of our tongues and not wanting to move any further.

As I walked into our shared room, I found Ella sitting on our bed, looking at the pictures Greg and I have plastered around the room.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Nope. I just wanted to see how you are. Especially with Greg being such a dick right now."

"Being pregnant and dealing with him, not so great but I know he's got his issues and I have mine and I know we need to work through them. However, I don't know where to start the conversation. We know we need to have it but we just can't bring ourselves to start the conversation. I'm tired of the fighting and the looks we give each other but what do I do, Ella?"

"You need to speak to each other to bring out this anger you have within each other. We all can see it, what you're feeling. We all can feel it sometimes. The tension can be cut with a knife. And that's saying something. We know things aren't easy but we all feel it's on Greg's side. He's repressing the memories of what happened but he's not letting anyone know, and then he's taking it out on you and it's completely unfair. I know you're trying your hardest with the twins coming but you can barely agree on anything, except your love for each other."

"It's hard though, Ella. I wish it was simple and I wish it was just a click of a finger away. I wish it would just disappear but it's not and I'm tired. Just so damn tired and now this pain in my vagina is hurting me in the process."

"What does the pain feel like?" Ella asked, getting off-topic.

"Like there's a sack of potatoes resting on it, making it squeeze against my arse. And it's also like I'm ready to squeeze a shit out my ass."

"You're getting ready to go into labour or you're already there and you don't know it. Have you had any contractions?"

"No? And it's two months too early."

"Twins often come earlier than what they're meant to, due to there being two of them in the womb."

"Great. Just damn great!" I groaned.

"Elianna, you can do this."

"No, I can't, Ella. I have an emotionally unstable boyfriend, who tortures himself over the littlest thing, I have my own issues to work on and I can't do it. I feel like my vagina is ripping in two!" I groaned.

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now