Before I knew it, someone forcefully grabbed my hands and cuffed them behind my back expertly and quickly that it took me a while to register what just happened.

"Then bam! You're left in a vulnerable position as someone has you tied down. Whether it be cuffs or ropes, you have to always be prepared for possible solutions." She explains.

I glare angrily as I stupidly try to break the cuffs off by trying to squeeze my hands out.

"Come on Lucas, how many people have tried that." She sighs disappointed as I try to figure a way to break them.

"In situations like these, even small objects such as a paper clip or even a bobby pin can be useful. Believe it or not, with hard concentration, practice, skill and the right technique, you'd be able to open hand cuffs with a paper clip. You just have to bend it in a particular way and try to lift up the lock from inside the hole." She explains casually like she's done it many times before.

After practicing for hours on how to open hand cuffs, ropes, or any possible object that can tie my hands, I was feeling slightly more confident if I was stuck in a situation like that.

Yawning I walk back to my room on the east wing of the agency, hoping Alex was safe and no harm would come her way.

Just wait till I get my hands on you Cole, i'd make you regret ever breathing the same air as me.

~~Alex's POV~~

"Go away!" I groan to the stupid sun that has no shame that to shine in my face so early in the morning.

"So commanding and rude." I hear Cole chuckle as his footsteps come closer.

"Shut up you sloth! It ruined my beauty sleep and thanks to Mr kidnapper over here, I'm as exhausted as an Olympian."

I hear him sigh. "Well get your ass up because we need to leave soon." He says as I hear shuffling going on.

I groan and get up, finally opening my eyes to which I regretted as the bright blinding sun tried to damage my eyesight. "My ass isn't going anywhere. Where are we even going!?"

"Hayden wants to speak to you. He thinks you're lying about not knowing that Lucas is a secret agent."

I swear my heart just skipped a beat. I can't face him...

He betrayed me and Lucas... As a secret crush and a best friend.

For three years he was the only guy that caught my attention, the only one who had the power to melt my insides and turn my feet to jelly just by his mere presence. The one who'd sit by me during lunch and defend me when Lucas would embarrass me. The one I called my secret crush, only to have him really crush my heart. Painfully.

You know that feeling when so many people hurt you, you don't know who to trust anymore?

"Uhh, you okay there?" Cole says awkwardly as he walks closer to me and wipes the single tear that sneakily managed to escape without me knowing.

I lift my head up to look at Cole who seemed to be worried as he watches me with a sad look. His large warm hand is still on my cheek as I gaze back into his light green orbs.

So light and mysterious yet mesmerizing and enchanting. Where as Lucas had dark forest green eyes, equally captivating.

"You saved my life..." I whisper in an almost inaudible voice but Cole still heard.

He lets go of my cheek and puts on a serious mask. The worried and soft Cole was long gone.

"Don't start thinking anything. I did it for Hayden. I'm not letting myself get attached to yet another girl so I would stay away if I were you." Cole spits out venomously that for the first time since being around him, I was actually afraid of him.

I look down to my lap and play with my fingers. "I wasn't thinking anything. It's just a big shock since Lucas once tried to kill me, my parents don't want me and basically threw me out of the house in the cold which is basically saying 'go rot in the streets, I don't give two craps', Hayden shot me with a bullet which may I add, I could've died if it hit a certain area like my head or heart. It's not easy for me to start trusting people, but you actually saved my life and that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done to me." My barely audible voice continues.

I look up at him and give him a sad smile. "Thank you, I really mean it. Now, let's go to Hayden and finish off your job because I wouldn't want something happening to you if Hayden went all King Kong on you for not following orders and blah blah." I ramble on unconsciously.

Cole rubs his face and runs a hand through his hair as if he was thinking hard and it was all stressing him out. "Actually, once Hayden finds out all the information he needs from you and makes you do the things he wants in order to find the hidden secret government agency, he'll just get rid of you by killing you so that way you won't go to the police." He explains guilty.

My eyes open wide with shock. "He wants to k-kill me...?" I was way too appalled to care about my rapid beating heart which is just threatening to burst out of my chest.

You know, it's not everyday you find out that your crush is some sort of criminal working for an illegal organisation that wants to destroy not only a secret protected government agency, but also you.

It's extremely disturbing and revolting.

With shaking hands, I stare horrified as I watch Cole carefully, inspecting his every move as if he'd pounce on me any second.

"Don't worry, I- I won't-" he sighs and groans as he struggles to speak. "I won't take you there, we'll have to leave the state immediately then if we both want to live."

My racing heart calmed down immediately at his words. But that was soon disturbed when the door came crashing down creating a loud crashing noise as Cole and I stared wide eyed knowing we just got caught. 

"Maybe I'd have to kill you both then?"


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Bye :)

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