"But....but Gray my love, I can't bear to be apart from you. What ever would I do today if I wasn't around you?" She was daring to come closer, but I wasn't going to have it.

"As my sister would say....could you be any thirstier?" Suddenly, Katherine was behind me leaning with one hand on my chair. "Look he doesn't like her, she is just a friend. She is no different than what you are to him. So suck it up water girl and leave this poor guy alone." After her last sentence, Katherine pulled out the chair that was in front of me and sat down. I looked over Katherine's shoulder, and I was just able to see the sight of Juvia running away. I felt bad for the girl, but at the same time I was very thankful to Katherine for scaring her off.

"Don't go falling for me ice boy, I'm not into your type."

"And what type am I?" I questioned, not because I was into Katherine but because I was curious about what type of person she thought I was.

"The type that doesn't wear cloths." she giggled as she waved for Mira to come over.

"What?!" I looked down and sure enough I was sitting in only my boxers. "Aww damn not again!" I panicked, looking around for the cloths that I hadn't noticed that I had taken off. "Mira why didn't you tell me?!" I demanded when she was over at the table.

"Sorry Gray I thought you knew already, I will say something to you next time I promise." She smiled down at me, before turning over to talk to Katherine. "What can I get for you my dear?"

"I was wondering if you had some kind of fish?" Katherine questioned. "Any kind of fish really would be fine."

"We have other kinds of meat too if you would like." Mira offered her the one menu we had for new comers. "We have pig, cow, sheep, also fish as well....I think we might still have an order or two of horse if that interests you at all."

"Uh no thanks I'll just have some fish thanks" Katherine smiled sweetly, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I would share with Eric and Penelope....but they seem to have already eaten all that you have given them."

"I see, well then I will go and get you another plate of fish. Don't worry; this one will also be on the house as well." Mira smiled and gave her signature wink before she walked away towards the kitchen.

"On the house?" Katherine questioned, looking towards me.

"It means that you don't have to pay for it." I explained to the girl, I had gotten so used to her and the others being around that I forget that she hasn't been in civilization long enough to know all the ticks of living with other humans. "The house, or restaurant, will cover the tab."

"Thanks for explaining things to me Gray." She smiled cheerfully at me, and for the first time I felt its warmth.

"It's fine, don't mention it." I smiled at her, trying to keep the mood warm. "So you're an ice dragon slayer?" I questioned, hoping to keep the conversation going.

"I am a frost dragon slayer! FROST! F-R-O-S-T!" She huffed, as if someone else kept making that mistake as well, it was probably Natsu. "You and fire boy, you see snow and you think ice." Yep, called it.

"Sorry I didn't know." I shoved my hands into my pockets of the pants that I was finally able to find and put on.

"No one really knows the difference sadly." Katherine shook her head. "My frost dragon slayer magic uses ice maker magic, but that doesn't mean I am an ice dragon slayer, I just use maker magic techniques. My sister uses water maker magic to help with her dragon slaying, it makes her magic stronger and gives her unbelievable powers over water. I wish I had her kind of power, I mean we are equal in a fight when it comes to power but Gray you should see what she can do. Might make you fall for her." She raised her eyebrows at me suggestively.

Siren Dragon SlayersWhere stories live. Discover now