Trust Me

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My mind felt like the most foggiest day in London. At first I couldn't make out any specific shapes but I knew that i was in a cold, dungeon like room. The black brick floors and walls were decaying and the only light was from a window above my head which was letting in moon beams.
For the first time In a long time I felt vulnerable. I didn't know where I was and when I tried to move my hands they were bound to the wall. This was unbelievable! They were bound with vines! I wasn't even sure if they were a plant for their dark color. I tried to loosen them but they just wove tighter around my wrists.
I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. I opened my palms to see if my abilities could do something but...nothing was happening! It was like I didn't have my powers at all!
I began to panic! Screw wondering where I was, I wanted to get out!
Then I felt like I was getting collywobles but as I looked to my shoulder it was only some spiders but it wasn't just a few there were hundreds coming from the window above me.
"Please! Can you do anything to help me? I want to get out of here!" I pleaded wondering to myself how these spiders could possibly assist me. But they only ignored me as the last of them scuttled away into the darkness of the room.
I felt like I was going to cry but I lifted my head for I heard another crying. I looked around the room frantically and it was there In The corner where it was coming from.
I squinted my eyes to make out the shapes. There were two. They were both slouched near the wall like I was. One you could even tell when siting down was very tall and very thin but I couldn't make out any features on his face. He was holding a women that was crying softly wrapped up in his long arms. Her face curtained by long thick misty strands of hair like mine.
"M..Mum?..Dad.." I say softly. The women stops crying and the mans head turned my way but abruptly a door opened letting pale light inside. "Oh thank death you're alright!" Said a voice I thought I knew and I saw the tall figure of a person and I could recognize him in any light.
He hurried to my side and undid my binds like it was the easiest thing in all the worlds. "What about them..?" I asked motioning to my parents. But they were gone and darkness was only in that corner of the room now.
"I'll help you up..." He said lending me one of his skeletal hands. I took it without a second thought and as he pulled me up I embraced him at once. "I should have known you would have come for me.." I say relieved that he was with me but his reply wasn't one I expected " Why don't you trust me like you trust him?" He said almost aggressively but also in pleading sadness. It wasn't his voice. It was someone else's now that I hadn't heard in a long time. I slowly come apart from him and looked down at the hand I took.
It was not skeletal but my pale fingers were intertwined with dark long ashen ones. "Please trust me again.." He pleaded now and I looked up at two glowing eyes staring at me. One fluorescent blue and the other a lime green.
The harsh crow of a roaster woke me with a jurk so hard I fell out of my bed. I got off the floor quickly and frantically searched my room for those glowing eyes but they were never here.
I sighed deeply and growled in frustration "Great way to start off Christmas Day!" I muttered as I flung my housecoat over my shoulders.
I detected a smell coming from downstairs. At first it smelt sweet and warm but then changed into something that was badly singed. Something was burning.
I swung my door open and ran as fast as I could down the hall. The door was open to Jacks bedroom but his bed was neatly folded like it walkways was, he almost never slept in it. You could always find him sleeping in the strangest places.
I slid down the banister of the stairs, didn't have time to use the steps and I jumped off at the end sprinting to the kitchen. There was smoke coming from under the door which was hot as well.
Hell with magic, I kicked down that door as hard as I could and a cloud of smoke welcomed me in with also a very odd scene.
Ghosts and ghouls....The Pumpkin King at his best....trying to fan out a bonfire of a flame erupting form the oven with a minuscule tea towel.
I tired to laugh but the smoke was clogging my lungs and I coughed in a fit instead.
He hread me and turned yelling in distress "I'm so sorry! This was all my falt!" He tried to fan harder but made the flames worse. "Don't worry! I'll help!" I replied. I hurriedly looked in all the cupboards to finally find a big pot. I coughed again hoarsely as I tried as fast as I could to fill it up with water in the sink.
When it was full, with some difficulty I carried it to the fire. Jack threw the towel to the side and helped me with the water filled pot. It extinguished immediately with a loud fizzling and even more smoke contributing to the already present smoke in the kitchen.
"Ruby!Ruby? If you're here could you open all the windows in the kitchen!" I yelled and couched imidiatly afterward.
I turned around and Jack was there but I went rigid expecting to see glowing green and blue eyes in his sockets.
"Merry Christmas" he smiled apologetically. I sighed with relief, I know it's him.
"Happy Christmas to you too" I laughed. "Now what in Halloweens name have you been doing in here?!" I asked. "Oh well, last time I talked to Sandy Claws he mentioned these houses made out of ginger and bread, and I just wanted to make some."
"Oh and how did that turn out?" I asked. He looked around the kitchen still full of smoke "not very well" he looked greatly disappointed "I wanted them to be done before you woke up but they weren't done at all so I thought i'd just..." He motioned to his hands and the completely burnt rubble that was on a tray in the oven.
I wasn't even angry, he could have burnt the whole house down but this was all just too funny! I Brock out in a fit of laughter. "So your not mad?"he asked his smile returning. When a contained myself I said "Jack, your adorable but reckless" I shock my head still smiling widely.
He looked confused for a second grinned with a hint of slyness "I don't know what that human term means but I would do anything for you to call me it again" I laughed awkwardly and he leaned in to kiss my check politely just as Ruby flown out of the floorboards "I heard my name! Oh Golly Nightshade! You call me up for this? Get a grave you two!" She teased. "I'll put you back in yours if you don't let this smoke out!" I justered to the polluted air surrounding us.
"Oh I didn't even see all this smoke! Both of you twos awkwardness was blinding me!" She laughed as she started opening windows.
I've grown to really like Ruby a lot and I spend most of my time with her. I don't know how we don't hate each other with our constant teasing.
I turned to Jack again and said "don't worry about the GingerBread houses" "oh don't worry I've already completely forgot about them! I have so many things planed today that we can do!" He exclaimed while pulling me out of the kitchen.
"Hey! Are you leaving me to clean this mess on my own?!" Ruby yelled from the kitchen. "Yes!" I yelling in reply. "I don't even get paid!!" She complained.
"That blows!!" I yelled again laughing.


If your feeling bad about Ruby not getting paid don't worry, none of them get paid anyway. They're ghosts, what are they going to do with money? They have no need for it.
This is Nightshades and Rubys inside joke. If ever Ruby says "I don't get paid enough for this" or "I should get a raise!" Just remember you're in on the joke now too. 😋

Atropa Belladonna (A Nightmare Before Christmas Fanfic 2)Where stories live. Discover now