Bloody Nightshade

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Even after another two weeks we still can't find Noir. The towns people have practically gave up on the search not because their loss of hope but just not caring what happens to him anyway and hoping that he stays away. I would like very much for him to stay away from me as well but that just seems selfish when we could be helping him even through he is one creepy bloke.
Jack and I have suspected that he's in the human world but we dare not go up their again when it isn't a Holliday. We are still on the watch for him but we basically just resumed our lives and deaths.
Gees I feel like we lost a pet and are trying to find it! This is ridiculous!
A lot of my lessons are almost done, Jack says by next Halloween I might be done and even be crowned! It's frighteningly delightful news and I mean that quite literally. I don't know if I should be exited or scared.
In about another two months I'll be living in my parents home again, they're having a really hard time to get the voices out of the walls and I hear their really rude so I won't have any of that in my house.
But living with Jack is also fantastic, it almost saddens me that I won't be living with him. I've always been alone and now I'll be alone again. Yet again when I become Queen I might befriend some shadows when they know they're safe and come out of the shadows. I actually can't wait for the day they do, then I would know I would have made my parents proud.
Jack already thinks I've accomplished that with me exiling in his scaring lessons. It's always the highlight of my day. Actually, today's lesson Jack said we would do something very important and that is exactly why I now hasten through the crocked cobblestone steets, tucking my Halloween history papers in my bag as I do. 'Oh I wonder what we're going to do' I wonder as I sprint up the steps and through the door. "I'm back!" I called and I hear Jacks voice in response "Up here!" He called from the tower were we sometimes had our lessons. "Wonderful! Right on time!" He chimed as I came to the top of the steps. "I'm always on time" I chuckled as I put my bag down and folded my coat on the electric chair.
"Do I need to make notes?" I ask while getting a quill from my bag. "Not unless you intend to scare someone with them." He teased with a grin and I put it back wearing an amused smile as I walked to the centre of the room where he was. "So is today a practice day?" I asked getting curiouser and curiouser. "In a way yes.." I said trying to prolong his right answer. "Please tell me already!!" I exclaimed tugging on his arm.
"Alright! Aright.." He laughed while straitening his bat tie " today I'm giving you a test!" A test should make me want to grown in disappointment but it only fuelled my excitement more. "What kind of test?!" I say eagerly.
Jack smiled confidently " In this test you will have to scare a victim. Scare them however you like but the thing is they can't merely be just shocked, they have to be petrified with fright!" Jack emphasized.
I smiled pleasantly. This will be a piece of cake! I hope I get to scare the mayor, that would be fun. "Okay, who will I be scaring?" I said still guessing who my opponent would be but his answer I didn't suspect.
"That would be me" Jack grinned with satisfaction while rocking on his heels. My jaw turned slack "no way.." I said in disbelief. "Oh yes way!" He confirmed as he loosened and took off his bow tie. "No, you can't be serious!" I said still not believing him. "But alas I am.." He took off his coat and placed the coat and tie on the electric chair as well.
"Hey, why did you take those off?" I asked puzzled. He looked at them and back to me " Well that's my good suit and tie, don't want to get that ruined do we?" He said loss ending his collar of his bone white shirt. I couldn't believe it! He was serious!
How the bloody hell am I suppose to scare the Pumpkin King?! "Jack I can't scare you it's not possible!" I say. "Hey, I just want you to do your best! I know no one has ever truly frightened me before but I think this will improve your skills if you are up against a very hard competitor" He said as he straitened his sleaves.
I let out a heavy sigh "alright I'll try then" "Alright, I don't want you to hold back! I'll be acting like a human child but come at me with your best anyway!" He informed spreading his leg a little more apart in a sturdier stance.
Okay i need to used everything I learnt right now. How am I going to scare him? Ideas were floating through my head and some stood out. I'm ready, let's see if some of these work then.
I took my hair out of the pony tail it was in and let the long strands fall everywhere as it covered my face. And then with a swift motion of my hand I closed all the windows in the room as there now was only pitch darkness. Then I let out a cackling laugh that even made me shiver. "Your in trouble now..." I growled with a voice that wasn't mine but of a crazed demon. I cast a spell to the ceiling which would give the allusion of a thunderstorm which in between the flashes I could now see my pray. He was looking around and surprisingly couldn't see where I was. Confusion lit his face.
"Wondering were I am are you? I highly doubt you would want to find me" I laughed appearing next to his ear and whispering "do you?" but I was gone before he turned to where I was and I thought that deserved a cackle.
"While your here I think we should play a game! I always win but you don't have a choice do you?" I hiss as I make mirrors appear around him showing not his but a reflected of someone who looked familiar to me but so terrifying that I was glad she wasn't real, was she? Blood was flowing through her mouth and her now ruby red eyes almost completely socking her crisp white dress.
"Here's how it goes. Guess who the real me is and you live. Choose wrongly and you die." I say as if I'm explaining the rules of a simple boardgame.
"But I'm.." He stated nervously. He really played the part of the victim well, I guess he would know by frightening so many people. He's probably just humouring me.
"You have 60 seconds on the clock" the reflections all shown a little watch that they held in their hand. They started the timer and now the black room was full of my voices imitating the ticking of the many clocks "Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Tick-tock they all repeaded.
Jack was acting panicked, looking around frantically to each of my reflections that wasn't me. My ticking was making him loose focus and he started shouting covering his ears "STOP THIS!! I DONT KNOW!! JUST PLEASE STOP IT!!!" Oh ya I know he's testing me, seeing if I'm going to stop when someone asks well I'm not falling for it. Now to phase him even more I made all the books fly of their shelves and spin around him and the mirrors.
The faces had stopped their ticking but I plastered unnatural grins on all of them. "Times up! You die!" They chanted histaricaly as all the mirrors shattered at once. Revelling myself on the other side of the room from him. He spotted me and yelled again "PLEASE STOP IT!!" I smiled and in another flash of lightning a was now inches away from his face "I don't want to.." I whispered before I lifted both of us in the air with a levitation charm and fashioned a sharpe blade from my mist forming around us. I was clutching the collar of his shirt as tight as I can and I contorted my face into the wickedest grin I could muster as lifted the knife about my head pretending to aim.
But I saw his face, I never seen it like this. I never seen anyone's face like this ever but I know one thing. It described something even worse than fear. He wasn't acting. He was motionless but he was far from calm that I could tell. Skeletons didn't need to breath but he was gasping for air emensly.
Acting or not I couldn't take it! I liked scaring people to see the look on their faces but I never want to see this one again. So I dropped us down imiditly and Jack crumpled on the ground like a bag of bones. I shrieked in worry turning my back just a second to undo all of my spells. When the windows were open again the sky was now only a grey misty evening. How long have we been doing this? It looks so late, I thought.
I turned around but Jack was not at my feet. "Jack! Jack!!" I yelled frantically but then I seen that he must have dragged himself to the bottom of the book shelves were some were still laying.
It was like he was in the fatal position but one arm was around his stomach, the other was on were his heart would have been and he rested his head on his knees.
'Oh NO NO NO....' I thought as I quietly raced to his side. I didn't want to touch him but I wanted to comfort him. I was on the break of tears, I couldn't believe I did this to him!
I reached out my hand as it was shaking violently to put it over his he was holding over his chest and to my amazement he didn't flinch but I could feel him breathing heavily!
"Please...." I whispered in the most shakiest voice I ever heard. "I...I didn't mean to...." "Yes...yes you did" he lifted up his head and spoke calmly but the quietest I've ever heard him.
Tears streamed down my face. 'He hates me! I've ruined it! I ruined everything!!'
But he didn't push me away but held my hand that was over his. "You made me fear for my one has ever done that to me before... No one has ever scared me like that....."He looked confused but if I wasn't mistaken he also looked awed. He also adopted that look he sometimes gave me not that he was impressed but something else, it was always in his eye sockets which I swear were gleaming.
"Please! Forgive me! I'm so sorr-" before I could finish my apology he collided with my lips in the most unexpected kind of embrace ever! One of his slim clutching my shoulder tightly.
Never having the sensation of being kissed I thought I would loose myself and die in it, but he wouldn't stop pressing his thin lips to mine that when we stopped for breath even if we didn't need any we here face to face with each other. That look was more intense now on his face and it was almost satisfactorily intimidating but in a snap it had changed almost to great guilt.
"Oh my goodness.....I..I'm so......please I beg you forgive me!" He frantically said as he backed up as far away as he could which was only a foot from me while I only thought while tracing my lips with my fingers 'who new that skeletons were amazing kissers?!' Then my shock finally came. This was one of the most out of the blue incidents that could ever happen. I had no words to say I only gave him a look of haziness and confusion.
"I just got overwhelmed I wasn't thinking....its just.." He was speaking more rapidly now "I haven't felt this way for a long time...I just couldn't keep it in anymore! It just hit me!!" He blurted out right before covering his mouth in embarrassment.
I was going to speak but I was interrupted yet again by a voice that it always seemed to like to interrupt me quite a lot "Got him under your spell too, eh?! How predictable!!" He growled in an unnatural furry.

Oh Jesus I'm incredibly sorry for the long wait for this chapter. Excuses, excuses, excuses, bla, bla, bla you get the gist. Ya'll are probably pretty shocked now, I should know for I wrote what should be shocking you. Hears the deal: I don't know who to pair Nightshade up with, Jack or Strange.
And I bet some of you are peeved off because I booted Sally out of the story but I love Sally so much! One of my favourite characters! But there are so many fanfics with Jack and Sally being so annoyingly happy. Don't get me wrong, their my OTP but I wanted to see what I could come up with if their relationship didn't work out!
Team Jack or Team Strange?!
Who will win her heart? And for the Strange lovers don't worry I'm going to make the character more likeable! But Jacks already perfect so......
Oh just please help me with this I just need to know were her feeling should sway to.
Okay I'm done now! I hope to write the next chapter soon don't worry!
And good night to me..😴

Atropa Belladonna (A Nightmare Before Christmas Fanfic 2)Where stories live. Discover now