Author Note

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Hey everyone!! You guys must be very crossed with me. I made you wait soooo long!! I'm sorry for that. It's been really hectic for me lately and I've been maga stressed. There's a lot of things going on with me.
I couldn't write anything because of exams and now I'm all day at work practically everyday. And guess what?! I failed my math exam so I have to do summer school in August and that's a bummer bc my B-days in August. Only good thing is my sisters wedding is in August too so I'm exited for that.
I had so many plans to practice drawing and work on some of my art. I definitely wanted to write more at least a chapter a day. And I also wanted to work on my dancing, singing and practice playing my many instruments.....and work on my cosplay costumes BUT NO!!! LIFE GOT IN THE WAY!!!
Sorry just really upset about everything.
I swear I'll try to update as much as I can but it's going to be hard. It actually surprised me how popular this story becoming! There are so many Nightmare Before Christmas stories I thought some people would get tired of them, a lot of them are repetitive.
It always brightens my day so much when you guys vote and especially when you comment.
If you have any questions I'm am more than obliged to answer them for you!
Also I've been having trouble with some of my chapters recently.
It happened two times now where my chapter a wrote is deleted and replaced with strange coding.
I don't know what the heck that is and I'll kill myself if I have to rewrite a whole chapter again.
I'm currently rewriting the Autumn Leaves chapter and you'll finally know what you missed.
If you have a solution to my problem I'd greatly appreciate it. I do NOT what to rewrite anything.
I think I have everything planed out for this series so that's very good for me! I hope you all stick with it and have great patience, you're going to need it!

Atropa Belladonna (A Nightmare Before Christmas Fanfic 2)Where stories live. Discover now