Mothers Embrase

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The large wingspan bled into the forever autumn night sky. The only indication that they were present was from the slight reflection the feathers gave off. How the feathered seemed to contain every colour yet still remaining black, almost like an oil spill.
I was so completely mesmerized by their impressiveness that when they slightly relaxed behind Deaths back, the Grim Reapers appearance had changed drastically.
"'ve changed...." I state in awe. Complexity distracted from our conversation.
"Have I now?" Her white teeth appeared in a test of a smile, blinking once with black pools you wouldn't mind downing in. She also looking curious.
Her hair was horizontal in a way that I couldn't know if it was shoe hair style or it was on up-do. The color of her hair and new, gothic but fashionable attire was the same shade as infinity and oblivion darkness. Her skin was a stark contrast. I've seen many a dead human.Death looked deceased. She looking like a fresh cadaver in a morgue. Clear of makeup, skin beginning to sink in bones and skin not white but an unloving grey.
And she was absolutely gorgeous.
Some might say frightening others intimidating and I would say both and beautiful.
She now gave me a closed mouth but large grin
"You see and hear me now as you've always seen death, haven't you.."
Death stated. The wined women stood up, the clothed chair and table vanished with the clock but I was still suspended somehow siting on air.
She gave herself a look over and made an approving sound.
"Uhm! Very nice indeed. Very flattering also Miss Nightshade. I can remember many who would picture me as worse."
She tousled the wispy upturned locks of her hair "Agh I remember this when I visited you that one time when you were a girl. Humans can't see me until I come to reap their souls or there are the rare ones that only get a glimpse of me but you saw me fully formed like this." She gestured to her present body "You asked if I was your mother to take you home" she lifted a side of her mouth sadly "unfortunately I was at that orphanage to take a sick boy in my arms. He was in so much pain and needed the alleviation I could grant him." Seeing my confused expression she continued
"I can give you the memory back if you like! I couldn't let you keep the memory for consequential reasons" she made a slight apologetic face and pulled out a round object from her breast pocket "Here, chew on this while I retrieve my Scythe form those skeleton miscreants. Every time I come here they manage to steal it!" Death gowned while letting the object float to me.
"I shan't be long, lovely" she winked and bowed her head before weightlessly gliding over a tall stone hedge, creating a loud whooshing with her wings.
I snatched the memory before it could float away on me.
As I sat still on suspended air I glanced at the feather light bubble. Ones like these always surface in the air at night and early morning usually. I pluck the ones that looks like their contents are worth consuming and I harvest them to munch on at meal times and for snacking. But this it's one of mine. My memory. Death probably had to take it away because she wasn't sure that I was human. If only she knew then that I was a misting then I would have been home much sooner, I thought to myself as the memory slide satisfyingly down my throat.
It tasted like hope, curiosity and mystery:
The memory is back. A tall figure looming at the foot of a boy named Henry's bed. Sister Nates was saying the other day how he would never get adopted anyhow with his life long sickness before it got worse. I slept in the same woard as him since they thought I was sick too. The Sisters would put me in a wig so I might look at least a little more appealing.The nuns said staying away from him would help him but I didn't listen. At night I hide under the bed and would reach my hand above to hold his.
That night is when Death finally came for him.
From underneath the bed, a heavy with darkness figure sat on the bed above then I heard a soothing whisper
"Oh my beautiful boy."
The voice sounded like a sorrow struck mothers
"I know my dear Life didn't want this for you. But they are merciful. I'm here to grant you peace. You will finally feel happiness."
Cautiously, still holding Henry's limp hand, I peaked from under the bed.
I never had seen a women like this before. I knew from the second I saw her she wasn't human.
She was gently stroking Henry's red hair. The only vibrant thing left of him.
She leaned above him and sweetly kissed his forehead, like a women kissed their child goodnight.
Then his eyes fluttered slowly open
Yet it wasn't his eyes it was like a mirage of himself slowly siting up
A colour faded ghost sat inside the solid body of the boy
"Come with me Sweet Heart"
The robed lady beaconed softly giving Henry a slender hand
He leaned to get out of the bed
But I was holding Henry's ghosts hand
The lady looked down on me in a curious way as I got up from under the bed 
"I am afraid you can not join us" she started but I patently had no fear
"No. Take me with!" I insisted in whispers "I'm supposed to go home, you must be my mother! Take me with, take me home!" I'm almost in tears by this point and I'm letting out uncaring whimpers
The lady looks at me again the that curious way but her dark eyes have made up her mind
"Your time will come someday, but no this night.." she states as she swiftly but deftly grazes my temp with her fingertips
I feel numb
Am I dreaming?
I'm caries to my bed somehow
I see the lady and Henry walk away hand in hand
The memory fades...

I open my eyes again. Where was I? Where am I?
I was in my own memory restored
I blink the dysphoria away as best I can. "Wow" I say out loud to no one but myself. I feel like I'm in a whole nother time. I Heard when humans wake from sleep they feel like they've sleep for decades yet it was only a night. This might be what it feels like.
I never experienced a memory like that before, yet it might have been because it was a memory of mine
Look around, yes still in the graveyard
And I'm now siting on the ground
I guess when my mind isn't present my powers aren't either.
"Was that one you needed to ground yourself for?"
If I could jump from fright I would have from Deaths voice. I looked around again and saw her with a close mouthed grin, leaning on her impressive scythe near the trunk of the hanging tree.
I stood and brushed the dirt off from my behind.
"My subconscious might have thought so" I answered meeting her were she was. Her scythe was intriguing as I got a closer look. The design was modern and sleek but had hints of gothic style. The blade looked as sharp as wit. The scythe was a weapon but most importantly a tool.
She saw me admiring it had offered it to me "Give it a go! It's much lighter than it looks" she winked as I grabbed the handle. She was right about its weight. I hardly felt like anything. I looked at Death again and she made a slight motion like swinging. I got her meaning and tested it.
Before I knew it I flew a couple of feet in the air and my heels dragged in the ground from the force of the swing. I greatly underestimated what that thing could do. I propped it as far away from my side and I knew my eyes were wide from the shock but Death just chucked warmly in her throat
"Yes, it's got quiet a kick to it.." her bubbling laughter dying out
"I suspect you have an instrument yourself. My I inspect it?" She asked politely holding out her palm. Oh, she meant my own blade!
I crafted mine to spear and handed it handle side to her. She made an approving sound "Elegant, but practical" she stated and almost absentmindedly. "Looks a lot like what Twilla's did.." and she handed it back with her mouth lifting expressively. It was an old fashioned butchers knife but I made it unique in some details. I gave the scythe back no too reluctantly and she swung it with ease, propping it up faithfully at her side. Her undying face lights up like she remembered my purpose to be in her presence in the first place
"Come, I must tell you more about your parents..."
now her guiding hand his offered to me alone. And the feeling creeps on my again; the untrusting. Not just her but it happens with everyone I interact with, even Jack a lot of times
She titer like a mockingbird "Don't worry dear wisp, just because I give someone my hand doesn't mean every time I'll led them to the end. "
she tilted her head and smiled warmly with porcelain, strait teeth 
"Just where they need to go."
I'm not going to get anywhere in this encounter if I don't trust Death, so I yield my hand
Her hands weren't cold nor warm but the moment I slide mine in hers I felt calm wash over me. I didn't even know I wanted to be calmed in the moment before I touched her. Then she cooed almost adoringly
"Little wisp come this way..."

Atropa Belladonna (A Nightmare Before Christmas Fanfic 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora