Chapter 32

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Lucy's Pov:

As his big brown eyes got closer and closer to mine i found it hard to breath.


Mikey's Pov:


Me and Lucy quickly broke apart to find Nick,Madison,Sam and Nicki smirking at us. I felt my cheeks heat up so i got up and went to the bathroom.

Nick's Pov:

Aw man they were gonna kiss and we ruined it.

Sam's Pov:

I feel so guilty they were gonna kiss and we all ruined it.

Poor Lucy looks like a tomato and Mikey's probably pacing the bathroom.

"So how was the kiss?" Nicki asked

".....It didn't happen" Lucy stated

"Oh....... sorry" Nicki mumbled

*5 minutes later*

Madison's Pov:

That must have been awkward!

So the girls went downstairs. And me and Nick are just waiting for Mikey to come out the bathroom.

Once he walked in his face showed all his emotion. Anger,frustration, and sadness.

"It cant be that bad!" Nick sayed which got Mikey's complete attention

"Oh really because now I'm friend zoned!" Mikey yelled

"Dude chill she likes you too. So relax" i sayed sounding like the voice of reason

"Alright sorry"

Samantha's Pov:


While Lucy and Nicki were talking i ran towards Mikeys room quietly.

"You scared me" Nick sayed while laughing

"Ok i have a plan but wheres Mikey?" i asked

"Kitchen" Madison sayed

"Ok this is what were gonna do ok I'm gonna put walking dead on Netflix you know like the old episodes but the one where Glenn and Maggie kiss ok so were all gonna leave without Mikey or Lucy noticing got it?" i asked

"yea" i heard from behind me

But when i turned around it was just Nicki

"You scared me. ok lets go watch the walking dead!" i yelled while walking down the stairs.

I put walking dead season two on mikeys TV that just so happens to have netflix.

We all sat on the floor but lucy and Mikey were in the middle.

When Glen and Maggie were at the store Madison tapped my shoulder reminding me to go. So we all slowly tiptoed to the backyard.

"It worked now what" Nicki asked

"um are we going home its pretty late" Madison asked

"yea we can go home." i said while we walked around the outside of the pool.

"Ok ima walk Nicki home talk to you guys tomorrow" Nick sayed

After he bro hugged Mad and then hugged me i whispered "Ask her out"

"already taken care of"

i playfully winked at him before hugging Nicki and walking with Madison.

Once we passed Madison's house i stopped walking.

"Hey this is your house!" i yelled at Madison who kept walking

"I know now come on" Madison sayed while laughing.

"What are you doing?" i asked

"Were gonna hang out at Jake's" Madison sayed like if it were no big deal.



"what time is it?"

"um 6:32 well leave before it gets awkward dont worry!" Madison sayed crossing the street and me following.

Once we reached Jake's house i froze. Its not that i like him or anything...... ok maybe just a little bit.......Oh who am i kidding.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jake opened the door.

"Hey" Jake said while glaring at Madison

"Hi" me and Mad said in unison while Madison gave Jake a cheeky grin and walked in. After Jake let me in we all went up to his room.

"What do you guys wanna do?"

"Lets play Call of Duty :Black ops 2!" i said causing Madison and Jake to smirk and quickly put the game. They think i suck at this game because everytime we play i let them win but today not gonna happen. Im bringing my A game.

*40 minutes later*

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT!" Madison yelled while the scores appered on the screen.

"But.....all the other times we played you lost" Jake said staring at the screen

"Its called letting 2 dummys win" i sayed with a playful wink

"Yea right i let you win" Madison sayed getting up causing me and Jake to laugh

"Ill be right back dont do anything stupid!" Madison sayed walking out of the room

"Seriously how did you do it?" Jake asked looking straight into my eyes. Oh brother hes making it really hard to focus.

"U-m i just.....did" smooth Sam real smooth.

Suddenly Jake smirked and glanced at my lips then my eyes a couple of times before i guess he decided to lean in. I cant kiss him hes my bestfriend. Who just so happens to be hot. Just fake sneeze yea do that.

"Achoo!" I sayed while fake sneezing

"Bless you" Jake said while scratching his neck awkwardly.

Gosh i wish he wasnt one of my bestfriends i would have kissed him.

I was just playing Temple Run 2 on my phone but i feel Jake burning holes on my face. So i paused the game looked at him to find him staring and sayed "you know you can just take a picture it will last longer" i said with a playful wink.

" Yea or i can just do this" Jake said confusing me until my breathing hitched once he started to lean in.

His eyes were focused on mine. His beautiful dark green eyes getting closer by the second. Just when our lips are about to touch "Sam we gotta go wo sorry" Madison sayed walking into the room causing me and Jake to break apart.

"Sam i gotta go my mom needs me to take care of Spence... but you can stay if you want" Madison sayed with a wink.

"Yea i can walk you home" Jake said

"Um yea sure ill stay" i said smiling at Jake.

"Ok but use protection!" Madison said while walking out of the room

"Um ill go walk him out be right back!" Jake said following Madison

Madison Pov:

Once i was downstairs i noticed Jake was following me.

"Dude that was not cool" he complained

"sorry man i didnt know you two were about to kiss" i said with all honesty

Right when i was about to walk out Sam came running down the stairs with her stuff in hand.

"I gotta go my dad just called!" Sam said while giving Jake a quick kiss on the cheek and running out.

"Bye" i said while leaving Jake frozen in his living room.

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