Chapter 24

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OMB IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"just calm down and, before you ask yes you yelled that outloud' Madison sayed

i just smiled and continued to walk but the closer we got i got more and more scared. I mean this is Highschool not just another school.

Madisons Pov:

I could tell Sam was scared. She kept looking down and tugging at her shirt. Once we stood infront of Englishtown HS <(FAKE) Sam froze. I told the others to keep going that we will meet them in the halls later.

"Its ok just relax i know your thinking a whole bunch of things like they wont like me or the teachers are goin to eat me but look none of that is true you cant be scared if you havent actually seen it and i cant explain it because the experience is different for everyone just relax and take it as it comes ok." i sayed while holding her shoulders

Sam just hugged me and whispered "thank you sooooo much!" while squeezing my guts out

"um Sam you can let go now" i sayed while laughing

"woopsees sorry" Sam sayed while letting go

i just laughed.

As we walked in i heard a bunch of "look its the new girl"s or "shes hot"s or "is she dating madison?"s. Most eyes were on Sam and she just smiled at some guys. We reached the main office.

*5 minutes later*

I was at Sam's locker waiting for her to finish packing for her first subject.

"Let me see your schedule"i said

she passed it to me. We only had everything but 3rd and 5th period.

"did you sign up for any extra classes?" i asked

"yup im going to tryout for drama, cheerleading, music, morning reports, and i think i might try out for vollyball, and probably basketball" she mumbled the last part while closing her locker.

"thats alot!" i said pretty loudly because some people looked at me.

I saw one of my best friends Jake so i told Sam to follow me.

Samanthas Pov

We were walking up to this really hot guy. He was exactly Madison's height, he had bright green eyes, (just imagine him like Austin Mahone). He was just using his phone. Once he noticed we were there he bro hugged madison and smirked at me.

"Hi im Samantha but you can call me Sam" i said

"Im Jake and you can call me well i dont really have a nickname"Jake said

"Sure you do what about........Jay" i said

"i like it"Jay said with a playful wink

"Are you ready for history because we all have history first?" madison asked Tyler

"Oh yup lets go!" Jake yelled while closing his locker

*In History Class*

Once we walked in all eyes turned to me. We were 2 minutes early. I walked up to the teacher while Madison and Jake walked to their desk.

Once the teacher noticed i was their she said "Oh hello you must be the new student im Ms.Trinket whats your name?"

"Im Samantha" i said

The bell rang

"stay here" she whispered to me

"Ok class take your seats....... We have a new student her name is Samantha"

"Hi!" i said with a smile

"ok Samantha just take a empty seat"

I sat in between Madison and Jake.

*At Lunch*

I was just sitting with Madison, Jake, Lucy, and Mikey we were waiting for Nicki and Nick.

I was sitting in between Lucy and Madison who was across Jake who was next to mikey

"So are any of you guys trying out for basketball?" Jake asked

"Yea me,Mike,Nick, and Lucy" Mikey said

"thats cool!" Jake said then turned to me "What are you going to tryout for?" Ty asked

"Oh im gonna try out for drama, cheerleading, music, morning reports, and i think i might try out for vollyball."

"thats alot...... you can cheerlead?" Nicki asked while she sat next to Lucy and Nick next to Mikey

"Yea.......ok i have a question" i sayed

everyone sayed "yea"

"why is that girl from across the room with the big nose glaring at Lucy?" i asked

"Oh thats Mikey's ex, Vicky Anderson, she cheated on him so when he broke up with her she instantly hated Lucy" Nicki sayed

"Creep!" i said

"yup..." Lucy said while laughing

*In hallways before gym*

We were all in the hallway, me, Lucy,Nicki, Mikey, Jake, Nick, and Madison. We were all just talking when Vicky and two girls walked up to Lucy and Nicki. Vicky said "Oh look we have the desperate and the fake blonde" Vickh said pointing to Lucy and Nicki.

Lucy was gonna punch the sh!t out of her because her hands were forming fist.

"You shouldnt be talking your nose looks like the operation went wrong!" i sayed while walking uo to her.

"And who the fuck are you?" Vicky asked while glaring at me

"Oh i dont think we properly met im Samantha which is ironic that you dont know because you practicly stock Lucy in lunch" i sayed with a smirk


"I know im a bitch but you have to practice to be a hoe" i sayed with a smirk

"Shut up before i make you!" Vicky sayed with a ugly smirk

"oh id love to see you try.... but tie your extensions up first before i break them off" i sayed

Vicky just stayed quiet

"Next time you wanna be a asshole to my friends think twice because your the desperate little fake not them . Now go fix your tissue its falling out" i sayed with a wink

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