Chapter 23

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Skipping to Monday

Sammanthas Pov:

i was having a beautiful dream and right when i was about to kiss Justin Bieber i woke up to somebody shaking me and yelling "WAKE UP!!!!" i opened my eyes to see Nichole attempting to wake me up. After a good 2 minutes she yelled

"Justin Biebers downstairs!" i quickly got up and was about to open my door when Nichole screamed "im kidding atleast i didnt have to get Lucy or madison up here it would have ended badly and btw cute pjs!" i quickly turned around "thanks but who else is here?" i asked

"oh thats easy Nick, you me, Lucy, Mikey, Madison, and your dad!" Nicki sayed while walking out


I was just waterfall braiding the left side of my hair.I was wearing my white tank top,red ripped skinny jeans, black ankle combat boots, Hollister Co. Beach sweater. For accesories i was wearing my heart broken studs, and a white set of bracelets. Which included a white "Love" bracelet, a cross white bracelet, a infinity sign white bracelet, and a white braided bracelet. For make up i wore a light shade of pink lip gloss, light grey eyeshadow some mascara. And i kept my nails painted from yesterday. I splashed a bit of Someday by Justin Bieber on. Once i finished waterfall braiding my hair i grabbed my bookbag and phone. Then walked downstairs. I hope my fridge still has food.


My dad quickly hugged me and sayed "Good luck at school im off to work bye!" and like that the front door was shut.

I skipped to the kitchen. Once i stepped in i felt 5 pair of eyes on me. I suddenly felt insecure so i looked down "YOU LOOK HOT!!!" nicki sayed then i heard a good amount of "yea"s i looked up

"Thanks. now are you guys done emptying my fridge or do i have to wait?" i said adding a playful wink

"Haha very funny but arent you gonna eat?" Madison sayed with a concerned tone

"Well duh toss me a apple and lets go!" i sayed with a smile.


OMB IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"just calm down and, before you ask yes you yelled that outloud' Madison sayed

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