Chapter 2

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Michael Gomez (Samanthas dad) pov:

Finally todays the day i get to see my daughter i hate that its because my ex wife died. But i did send Sammy what she needed i just didnt know what to tell her when her mother died it hit me like a bag of bricks. But now i can handle having Sammy around even though she looks like her mom well atleast did last time i saw her.

Samanthas Pov:

Yay todays the day i move to New Jersey (note the sarcasm) i love meeting new people and i love people in general its just i dont wanna live with my dad. Im already packed and deessed im just waiting for that call from aunt maggy that will change everything.

Im just gonna listen to my future husband.

As i put JUSTIN BIEBER on shuffle i just danced around. I love to dance its the only way i can get away from the world. I started dancing when i was about 3. But after my mom died i...... cut and my aunt found out


I was in the bathroom about to make another pool of blood fall from my wrist when i heard a knock on the door and "Sammy what are you doing" oh no this cant be happening no one can see me like this. I quickly washed my arm and pulled down my sleeves ignoring the pain as i hid everything and yelled "nothing im almost done" i flushed the toilet and washed my face and hands.

once i opened the door my aunt Maggy looked skeptical before she asked "What were you doing that took so long?"

Dam oh ok "Poop"

"so when you poop(air quotations) you wash your hands then flush then wash them again"

OH NO SHES ON TO ME just chill sam dont let her know she cant know no one can "yea dont you"


oh no dan stupid puffy eyes

"Sammantha i want the truth and i want it now"

i cant tell her


did i say that outloud

"because i-i" oh know here come the tears.

"Sammy whats on your shirt... is that blood......oh no .....let me see your wrist"

when i didnt answer she just took my arm abd lifted the sleeve i swear i felt my world fall on me


that question was one i couldnt answer at all

"Sam plea-ease talk to me"

oh no shes crying gosh just breath and tell her how bad can it be.

" i just just i dont know i just after mom died i couldnt i felt like the victim and and then i see everyone at school with both parents and it reminded me that im never going to have a real family again and cutting helps me it makes me forget about the world and i dont know it just helps me forget"

i cant believe i said that

*End of flashback*

Yup then my aunt helped me with everything and long story short dancing was my therapy and i just forgot about cutting and danced instead. But these marks will always be on my wrist i only have a few and there not that noticible cuz i cover them with makeup. Oh i havent noticed that i was on the floor this whole time.

haha just like me to forget.


Here i go.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

(In livingroom)

aunt maggy is standing near the door smiling but i know she was crying because of her eyes and makeup both look awful.

"Aunt Maggy can you promise me something?"

"yea anything"

"please dont cry and find a man" i said as i laughed

"only if you try to get along with your dad and i didnt tell you this but.."


"gotta go bye auntie" i said as i hugged her not looking back not wanting to feel the tears

and like that i was out the door and on the bus to a new journey.

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