"Wait. Give your gun to En. They can be the look-outs." I go to the fourth cell as Kelly goes back to the fifth after giving up her gun.

When I enter the cell, I see a bad, bloody sight.

Kaylee is hanging from the wall, multiple cuts and bruises along her small frame, and a blood of pool beneath her. She looks pale, paler than usual. Her eyes are closed and she's breathing, faintly, but breathing nonetheless.

There's a chair in front of her and I see Hiro hunched over slightly, his back to me, so I can't see the extent of his injuries. "Don't give up Kaylee. Please. They'll get us out."

I immediately go to him and he struggles, cussing at me. "Hiro!!! Stop!! It's me, ok? It's me, Alaina." He stops and as soon as I have him untied, he rushes over to Kaylee and tries to yank the chains out of the wall. I don't think I've ever seen him so frantic as I stop him and undo the chains. He holds her gently in a bridal style. As he turns around, he's cut up too, but not as badly as Kaylee.

He follows me out and looks curiously at Wendy but he doesn't ask. I see Kelly supporting a beat-up Kenshi. Busted lips, bruised eyes, possibly a few broken ribs going off of the way he's slightly hunched over and breathing hard. Kelly has given En the lock pick and taken the gun, looking absolutely murderous. She growls "I'm gonna-"

"Kill him. Yea step in line." Wendy cuts her off.

"Yea and he's my brother so I'm the one that's gonna put him in the ground while you guys get to the hospital." I'm currently working on the third cell door when I feel cold metal against my throat and the click of the gun hammer.

"You're related to that....That.." Wendy growls as she holds the blade against my neck.

"That piece of shit scumbag that supposedly died 20 years ago, and has a headstone. Yes I'm his sister, and honestly, I'm gonna either bury that blade in his throat or put a bullet between his eyes, and really bury him. I'm gonna remember the man, the older brother, that I lost, and not what he, it is now." I open the cell door to reveal Boss. Bruised and tied up. I enter without looking back at the silent group after my little speech. I untie him and help him stand.

"You good on your own?"

"Yes. Thank you."

" 'Thank you's can be given when we are out of the woods." He follows me out, just as En comes out with Samantha. She's tired and beaten, but alive and walking with support from En. Riki's in the last one then. I rush over to the door, hands shaking. I hear the door click and it swings open.

I see a sight that makes my heart stop. He's chained to a chair in the center of the room. There's a slash in the jeans on his right leg [his left from how she's standing] and that whole pants leg is that dark denim red from what i know is blood. He has blood on his shirt. He looks pale, way too pale. Please. No don't let that be a throat wound. I open my mouth but no words come out, just a strangled sob. He lifts his head, his blue-grey eyes looking almost black from the dim lighting and the bruising on both his cheeks stand out in sharp contrast compared to paleness of his skin. There's dried blood on his chin from a split bottom lip. When he sees me, he attempts a smirk, only to grimace as he moves his bottom lip, causing droplets of blood to roll down. "Hey babe." His voice cracks.

I immediately rush over and unchain him. When I have all the chains off of him, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, wiping away tears I didn't know we're falling.


"Hey hey hey, I'm okay."

"Riki Yanase. Don't you dare lie to me. I don't give a damn how strong you are, you're bloody and paler than Edward Cullen, and....Mmmmm"

He kisses me. "Okay, maybe I'm a little sore, but I will be fine." He whispers.

I put his arm around my shoulder and help him up slowly up slowly. He hisses out in pain when he puts weight on his left leg. " 'Okay' my ass."

He snorts at that as we walk out of the cell.

"Kelly you got an earpiece?"

"Yep." She presses one hand to her ear. "Takuto? We good?" There's a silence. "Ok let's go." I take the gun from Kelly and walk up the stairs with Riki slightly limping along with me. I test the door. Locked. I hand the gun to Riki and he points it, balanced on one leg, as I pick the door. I slowly push it open.

"Yep. Basement." I recognized the room we're in. I take the gun back from Riki and support him again. "I can get us out. En?"


"You still have the blueprints memorized right?"


"Good. With you, me, and Takuto, we should be able to get out."
Holy bejesus. That was long. Sorry about that. Image accredited to Google Images. Like comment follow enjoy


Lost Love (Love Letter From Thief X fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now