Chapter 18

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"That was good. Just kill that side and heal that side." Hermes said as he pointed to the floor. I did as he said and it went to normal. I changed back into my human form.

"Thanks, by the way." I tell him. He smiles and opens the door.

"I will let Zeus know about what has happened. Meanwhile, you need to turn your human." He told me as we stopped in the hallway.

"I can't, not yet. I will as soon as he wants to." I told him. He shook his head and grabbed my shoulders.

"You need to do it soon. Zeus can't make anything final until, you are a real god. So that means that Thanatos can hurt you again." Hermes had a point. But I would never force Jay to do anything. I would rather run forever then make him be with me.

"I can't do that. Thanatos can just kill me. I don't want to cause him pain!" I basically screamed at him. Jay, Max and Tom walked over to us. They all looked very confused. Hermes looked at them and let go of me.

"Jay, you need to hurry up. I know that you know what I mean." He then stormed out of the house. I stood there with the guys looking at me.

"We are Greek. We love drama." I said. I stood there for a little while longer. It was just awkward.Jay then grabbed my hand and took me to his room. he walked in and shut the door behind him. I sat down on his bed.

"Was he talking about me turning immortal?" Jay asked. I nodded my head. He sighed and sat on the bed next to me.

"Please don't think that you have to. I don't want you to, if you feel like you are being forced to." I told him. I know that I am stressing this out, but I really don't want him to think that I only want him so that I will become a god.

"What will happen after I do it?" He says, disturbing my train of thought.

"We will have to fake your death. You won't really be able to be seen in public. But there is a plus side to this. You and I will live forever and we will have our own private island." I told him. I saw his eyes light up.

"So I give up all of this, for you and an island? What will be on this island?" He seemed sincere.

"What ever you want. If you want parrots, then you will have parrots." I told him.

"What if I want my friends?" He asked.

"I could turn them also, but I don't think that would really be fair. Most of them haven't actually found their true love. I can tell that Siva and Nareesha have something unbreakable, but the others don't." I told him. He bowed his head.

"Jay, I know that you love them too. That is why I am giving you a choice. You can stay human and be with them. But if you turn immortal, then you will not be able to." I told him. I saw a tear drop. No, this is hurting him too much. He looked up at me and he had red eyes.

"So I am suppossed to choose between the girl that I love and my best friends?" He asked. I grabbed both of his hands.

"No, you are not going to choose. You don't have to choose. You are going to stay here. You are going to find a woman that you can grow old with and you are going to be an old man with your friends. You are going to sit in an elderly home and play pranks on Tom and Max." I told him. It hust me so much to tall him this, but I couldn't let him be miserable. That was not an option.

"What will happen to you then? I can't leave you. No woman will ever be you. I am in love with you. I can't have you sacrifice everything for me." He said.

"Okay, let's talk about this in the morning. I really don't have a solution." I told him. He nodded in agreement and laid down. I laid on my stomach and rested my head on his chest.

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