Chapter 17

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When I woke up, I saw that Jay was still holding me. He was awake. I looked up into his blue eyes and he smiled at me. I felt every emotion that I have ever had for him, come rushing back to me. I felt safe and calm.

"Hey there. Nareesha is here. I will go and get her." He said as he started to get up.

"Wait, I want you to stay with me for a little while." I asked him. He looked at me and laid back down.

"Are you okay?" Jay looked so concerned.

"I am now. Thanks." I said to him as snuggled closer to him.

"Casey, what happened? Please tell me." He looked hurt. I hurt him. Of course I hurt him. He is a human and I am a god. No matter what I will do, will end up hurting him.

"Jay, I will tell all of you together. I am sorry." I told him. He kissed the top of my head.

"I am the one that should be apologizing. I am sorry about what I said to you the other night. I am so sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean to hurt you, it is just that when you leave, I don't know what you are doing." He confessed.

"Jay, you didn't hurt me. I feel like I have hurt you. I don't want you to think that you have to stay with me. You can leave at any point of time." I told him. I heard him sigh.

"I don't want to ever leave you. I mean it. I am in love with you. When I saw Siva trying to help you and you were holding on to Tom, I wished that it was me." That was one of the sweetest things that I have ever heard in my lifetime.

"Jay, I love you more. I will always love you more. Now, how about if you go get Nareesha and we can open that letter." I suggested to him. He smiled and got off of the bed. He helped me sit up then he left he room.

"Hi, I am Nareesha. You must be Casey." She said as she entered the room. I saw that she looked like the Persian version of Aphrodite.

"It is nice to meet you. I just wish that the circumstances were different." I told her. She laughed and walked over to the bed with a bag. She touched the cut on my face.

"He raped you, didn't he?" She asked. I looked at her in shock. How did she know?

"How did you figure it out?" I asked her. She lowered her hand from my face and placed it in her lap.

"I could tell, by what I have been told, it makes sense. I am so sorry that happened to you." Her eyes were sincere. I knew that I could trust her.

"Don't worry, I will tell the guys." I told her. She sighed and opened her bag.

"I wouldn't just start telling them that you were raped. Max is a little touchy when it comes to that stuff. Nathan is too, but that is because he has a little sister." She then pulled a shirt and a skirt out of the bag along with some underwear.

"Thanks for the advice. Thanks for the clothes too." I told her. She smiled and helped me put them on. It wasn't really my style. The skirt was short and floral and the top was light and blueish green. It looked good, but not on me.

"Alright, are you feeling okay?" She asked before we walked out. I looked at he and nodded. I hobbled into the living room and Nareesha followed me. I saw that Siva was asleep on the couch. He feet were propped up on the center table. Max and Tom were sitting next to him, watching a football match. Jay was in his chair reading a book about the blue people that I had seen before and Nathan was in the kitchen.

"Guys? How does Casey look?" Nareesha asked. All of their attention, except for the sleeping Siva, turned to us. Max got out of his seat and walked over to me.

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