Chapter 16

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This chapter gets dark! I have warned you! If you don't like this, then I am terribly sorry.

Thanatos ripped my shirt off of my body, like literally ripped it off. I gasped and he chuckled. I tried to get out of his grasp. He let me go and walked over to the box that had the duct tape and the straps. He pulled out some straps and the duct tape.

"I thought that I wouldn't have to do this." He warned as he neared me. He shoved me against the wall and grabbed my hands. I tried to fight him, but he hit me across the face. He tied my hands together with the straps, then he took the duct tape and taped my hands, above my head on the wall.

"There now maybe you will be still." He said. He then started to unzip my pants. I took this moment to prove him wrong. I kneed him in the crotch. It was a good hit. He moved away and grabbed his crotch.

"You are going to regret that." He grunted. As far as knew, he was the one who was regretting it. I thought, for a second, that I had some glimpse of hope. But that was crushed when he stood back up. He walked back over to me, grabbed the top of my pant, and pulled them down to my knees. I tried to make the duct tape come off, but there wasn't much that I could do. 

As I was trapped in my bra and underwear, Thanatos stepped back and looked at me. He then went and grabbed a table. He placed it int the middle of the room.

"Are you going to fight? Or do you want to get this over with?" He asked.

"I am sure that you already know the answer." I told him. He chuckled and walked back over to me. He slapped me across the face.

"I want respect." He demanded. I looked at him right in the eyes.

"You don't deserve respect." I then spat at him. He pulled out a pocket knife and cut my stomach, just enough to make me bleed. I screamed in pain. He went so slow.

"I will do it again." He warned. He then cut my bra off of me and he squeezed my breasts. He placed one in his mouth.

"You are so sensitive." He said. It sounded so dirty. He then grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"You are going to wish that you had signed that paper." I saw something truly evil in his eyes. He ripped the tape off of the wall and he shoved me on the table so that my rear was exposed to him. He taped my hands to the table leg so that I couldn't move my arms.

He pulled my pants and underwear off. I was fully exposed to him. I felt a tear form in my eye. He then slapped my back, hard. I screamed in pain. I heard him chuckle. Then he took off his belt and hit me with it. I whimpered each time. Finally he stopped.

I then heard him remove his pants. No, no, not this. He entered me and I screamed. He pumped into me repeatedly. I have never felt anything more painful than what he did to me. I felt tears stream down my face. I felt him explode inside of me.

"I will be back." He said as he left me there. I was still bent over the table and my arms started to hurt. I tried as hard as I could to use my powers, but nothing happened. I decided to just wait until he came back.

I think that he was gone for an twenty minutes. When he came back, he was in a robe. I wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. He then pulled a pocket knife out of the pocket. I felt him trace it down my back. He didn't cut.

"I want you to tell me something. Tell me why you are attracted to that human. He is only a human." He told me. I didn't answer him.

"I see that I will have to force it out of you." He said. He then pushed the knife into my hip and he slowly moved it. I couldn't take the pain.

Shadows (A Jay McGuiness story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن