Chapter 4

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  I think the Marauders often orchestrated little skits where Sirius comes bounding into school in his Animagus form and grabs a random piece of parchment of of the desk of a Marauder who hasn't done their homework and eats it so said Marauder can start yelling, "A DOG IS EATING MY HOMEWORK! A DOG IS EATING MY HOMEWORK! AHHH! OH MERLIN WHAT A TRADGEDY IS THIS?!  MY BEAUTIFULLY COMPLETE HOMEWORK! GONE! FOREVER!" And they yell it so loudly that their professors hear and let them off.

  Then one days Sirius forgets his homework so James does it instead- everyone freaks out as a huge stag comes running in and eats a piece of paper out of a grinning Sirius's hand.

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