Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...

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•Andy's Pov•

It's been two days since Isaac and I had hung out.

It was Saturday morning and I was on the phone with him.

"So you really want to meet my grandmother?"

"Yeah, a lot of people have respect for her in this town so it would be my honor."

"Well I'll tell my grandmother...Isaac?"


"You're a great guy a-"

"Stop right there. Usually when girls say that that means they're dumping a guy. And I know you're not dumping me because we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend...yet."

I smile at his panic.

"I was going to say you're a great guy and all but I'm sure my cousin is going to go out of her way to make you feel uncomfortable. It's kind of a thing us Devereux woman do to the new guy that's being introduced."

"Well I'll be sure to keep my guard up. Oh what plans do you have tonight?" He asks.

"Nothing really why?"

"They're having this corn maze thing. And you know I wanted to go but only if you wanted to. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to ask."

"Isaac, are you asking me out on a date?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Well since its that obvious. I guess I'll put you out of your misery and come along."

"Come along where?" Julia asks as she walks in the room.

"No where."

"Andy you're a terrible liar. Now tell me." I groan and tell Isaac to hold on.

I put the phone on mute and tell her.

"So he wants to invite me on this corn maze thing an-"

"Wait, I think I heard Matt telling me about that. It's suppose to be this creepy corn maze thing and there's this legend about it and shit. Oh if you're going Matt and I are tagging along. As a matter of fact lets invite Bonnie and Robbie so it can be a group thing."

"No, this isn't a group thing, Isaac asked me and I want to go with just him. Got it."

"Gee, it would be a shame if Isaac saw your old baby pictures. Especially the one when you crapped all over Nana's favorite quilt. You know the one that's been in the family for generations."

"I hate you so much." She looks at me and pats my shoulder.

"Awe, I know you don't mean that. I'll go call Bonnie to see if she can make it." I wipe my shoulder off and she leaves out of the room.

I take my phone off of mute and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Um, Isaac change of plans..."

When I got off the phone with Isaac my phone immediately rang.

You can't avoid him forever Andy.

Just talk to him and tell him what's going on, you're not official so it shouldn't make a big deal right?

I let out a breath and answer Jason's call.

"Hey, sorry I haven't answered you back. I've been super busy."

"That's okay, um, are you busy tonight?"

"About that..."

Here goes nothing...

A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai Parker Fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now