Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?

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•Andy Pov•

"No out of the question."

"Come, on Andy. It'll be fun."

I glare at Julia for that comment.

"Let me get this straight. You're telling me talking to a dead relative will be fun? Well it's not, have you forgotten that when you do things like what you're asking, consequences occur? Don't say I'm being a big baby cause this shit is serious, Jules."

"Okay, okay. We won't try to communicate with her. Happy?"

"Promise me."


"I said promise me!" I yell causing a book to fly across the room and they both freeze.

"Promise." Julia says as she takes a small steps away from me.

I take a few calm breathes and look at Bonnie.

"You're welcome to stay the night. I will get the cot ready for you. Now if you excuse me..." I leave the room, not because I really need to hurry and gather the cot, but I really need to leave that room before more than a book goes flying...

•Julia's Pov•

As soon as my cousin leaves I feel my body relax.

"Does she practice?" Bonnie asks in a shaky tone.

"No, my cousin..from what she told me she just has it naturally. I just didn't know that her magic was raw too." I sit on my bed looking across the room at her bed feeling scared.

"You know...I can't say that I've never seen Andy do magic because that would be a lie. She just doesn't remember because she's in denial..."

"What do you mean?"

I swallow hard before answering.

"...There was this time, when we were ten. Andy and I were playing hide and seek cause we were bored as shit and all the grown ups just kept telling us to go play while they gossiped. Anyways I thought it would be a fun idea to go play hide and seek in this cemetery down the road from the house. Andy she wasn't for it but I convinced her to go with me. Everything was going fine and we were having fun until Andy got lost. I don't know how you can get lost in a cemetery I mean it wasn't a big one. But when I had found her she was talking to someone crying. I go up to her and whoever she was talking to just walked away from us. She then smiles at me and she's hugging me. She says to me, I was scared but Pop-pop kept me company."

"Okay so?"

"Our Grandfather has been dead for three years..."

Bonnie just stands there.

"She can conjure up spirits? She's that powerful?"

I nod. "She did that and she wasn't even trying. Witches her age at the time can barley do a simple locator spell let alone bring back spirits. But her magic just slips through...its oozing out of her. She may think everyone is ignoring her but they're doing the opposite..."

And they're terrified of what she could do...

•Andy's Pov•

I was in the attic looking for the cot.

"Come on, I know you're up here. I saw you a few days ago."

Oh great I'm talking to myself.

I look over towards the left corner of the attic and find something brown sticking out of a bag.

Hmm? Funny, I don't remember this bag being here when I helped Nana the other day.

I bend down picking up the brown fuzz and a little brown teddy bear slides out of the bag.

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