Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town

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•Andy's Pov•

"Did you open the window last night?" I ask Julia while we sit down and eat breakfast at the kitchen table.

"No, why would I do that? So the cast of bugs life could shoot the sequel in our room?"

Julia passes me the orange juice and I pour a glass.

As soon as Nana was out of the kitchen I scoot over next to Julia.

"I read some of it."


"So, I'm going to read more of it soon. The first entry was kind of...I don't know, personal."

"Good, make sure you share all of the juicy secrets with me when you're done."


"What do you think people write in dairies, Andrew?"

I roll my eyes at her.

"You're still a pervert."

Nana came back inside of the kitchen.

"I just met our lovely neighbors and they invited us over for dinner."

"You said no right? I mean that's the Parker house." Julia says as she gulps down her orange juice.

"Was the Parker house, miss sass. Now I invited them here cause of my bad heart."

"Bad heart? Nana, you can still arm wrestle dad."

"Wanna clean the shed in the back? I'm sure those bugs are dead yet."

"Zipping my lip."

I hold in my laughter and Nana goes to the sink.

"I'm going to start on lunch. Miss Bennet is coming over with her daughter so I want you girls to be nice and show her around the neighborhood."

"Okay, can we get the keys to the car?" I ask.

"Sure thing, while you girls are out. I want you to pick up some olives for the macaroni salad."

"Olives?" I whisper behind Nana's back.

"I saw that, Andrew."

About an hour later Miss Bennet was knocking at the front door.

"I'll get it." I walk to the door but Julia beats me to it.

"Welcome to our lovely abode."


"Thank you girls. Bonnie say hi." I look over and see the girl who caught me looking at them out the window.

"Hello." She says with a fake smile on her face.

As they walk in Julia whispers to me. "Who spit in her oatmeal this morning?"

I playfully push her into the kitchen and Nana was hugging Miss Bennet.

"Girls, I want you to meet a a few members from a sister coven."

"Wait, so you two are witches? That's so fuc-I mean cool."

"Nice save cuz." I say under my breath.

"Our covens have been close for over thousands of generations and I'll tell the story after the food is all set."

"Bonnie, go have fun. Okay?"

"Yeah, whatever." Us three walk out of the kitchen and I stop Bonnie.

"We're going to the store in a little bit. You don't mind right?"


We go sit in the front porch and I sit on the swing, Julia sits on the porch ledge and Bonnie takes the steps.

A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai Parker Fanfic•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن