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Paris outfit/ Chanele and sonny

-Chanel's room -

Chanele- So my cousin is supposed to be coming to live with us ..

Why lol?

Cause him and his dad are beefing over some shit my mom won't tell me what it is I was like why even tell me they fighting if you not gonna tell me why.

I hate when people do that shit it's really aggy.

I'm saying she was like now u won't be alone at night while I'm at work.

Girl your practically grown u don't need a babysitter.

Can't tell parents shit.

Well when is he supposed to be coming.

Either tonight or tomorrow.

Is he ugly that's the real question ?

I haven't seen him in years but the last time I seen him he needed a major come up.

Lmao maybe he glo'd up.

He better hope so niggahs at school will blaze his ass up.

What's his name ?


His name is unique at least.

Maybe u two will click.

If he's my type then who knows.

(2:00 am )

I was knocked out on the couch sleep cause Chanele sleeps like a damn spider in bed.

"Knock knock knock"

I roll over and end up on the floor" fuck that shit hurt ".

"Knock knock knock"

I'm coming geez "I say getting up "

I run towards the door and open it my heart drops instantly 😍.

You must be sonny ? " I say licking my lips and bitting the bottom one.

Yeah sup u gonna let me in silly ?

Oh my bad I say moving so he can enter.

Chanele here?

She's sleep it is 200 in the morning u know.

True true did I wake u ?

Yeah but it's all good.

Man that was a long ass drive.

Where u drove from?

Dallas it's cold asf up there right now.

Lol I bet I say walking back to the couch.

Imma go shower real quick u gonna be up when I get out ?

Will see.


My ass was dozing off till this niggah had the audacity to jump over the sofa like a damn spider monkey waking me up.

Wake yo ass up.

I should punch ur ass in the throat instead.

Told u I was gonna shower real quick.

That was not real quick ur ass was probably in there dancing like u where in video.

Shiiiiiiiiid maybe.

My point exactly "I say snuggling into the couch. "

You really bout to ko on a niggah. (bxb )trans)Where stories live. Discover now