Chapter 14

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"What?! What do you mean Vegapunk is missing? Where did he go?!" Usopp exclaimed, looking at Luffy exasperatedly. "Did you look carefully? He must be here, right? In the lab!"

Luffy let out a sigh, sticking his tongue out in exhaustion. "Well, I really... ran all over the place. But I couldn't find him."

"Did you really?" Usopp asked him.

"Yes, he did! He broke his shoes' flying function so he was running the whole time!" Chopper explained, flying beside us.

"Don't tell them that! I have no money to pay damages!" Luffy snapped at Copper.

I let out a chuckle, covering my mouth. "Sounds like Luffy alright."

"This is not the time for that!" Usopp shouted at Luffy. "Where did Vegapunk go?!"

"Usopp, relax!" Shaka called out from his spot at the monitors.

Usopp began stomping his foot. "How can I relax?! We gotta go soon or another scary one will come!"

"I guess we can't set sail yet." Robin spoke up.

"Where did Old Man Apple go? And Bonney..." Luffy sighed out.

"I wonder if she's okay." Chopper added. "She's a mess too, but we can't leave her alone. I'm worried about her."

I glanced over to chopper beside me. "Don't worry, we won't leave without her."

"Well, I see Bonney." Shaka spoke up.

"What?" Usopp and Chopper asked, all of us turning to look at Shaka.

"The monitor shows everything in the lab." He explained simply.

Luffy then stared the man down. "Why only say so now?"

Shaka decided to add fuel to the fire. "I could see her all along."

"Why now?!" The three shouted at him, causing me to sigh.

"Hey..." Glancing to the entrance, I could seeZoro, Brook and that Stussy woman walking in. "What's taking you so long? Aren't we gonna set sail?"

"We have some problems!" Usopp told him.

Brook began looking around, brushing Usopp's exclamation aside. "Anyway, this place is amazing in many ways! It's so futuristic!"

"So futuristic! There's a hat that fits you!" Chopper exclaimed.

Usopp placed, squinting to his furry companion. "Is that what you find so amazing about the future?"

"This place is in worse shape than I thought." Stussy spoke up, glancing around.

"Stussy-Sama!" Uh oh... here we go. I sweatdropped as Sanji began swirling towards Stussy, completely fanboying over the woman. "You got ahead of the times and dressed in futuristic outfits! So... so... beautiful!"

Stussy simply smirked. "You're good at flattery."

I let out a sigh, waving a hand. "Don't feed into his pervyness..."

"I am a man who loves all ladies of all time! That includes you, (Y/N)-swan!" Sanji exclaimed.

Ignoring his last comment, I watched as Stussy had walked off, not sparing Sanji a second glance."Real smooth there! She walked off!" I began laughing.

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