Chapter 12

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I lifted my head to stare up at the ceiling, kicking my feet in boredom. "Maaaannn... how much longer are we gonna have to wait? The sooner we leave here and take down those bastards, the better."

Nami let out a sigh. "It is taking a while, I'm beginning to worry something happened."

"Hey! You guys!"

"What?" Nami asked as Sanji let out a hum, the two glancing to the hallway behind us. Let brought my head down to look as well just as Nami began waving her arms. "Luffy! Chopper! Jimbei!"

"Finally!" I exclaimed, standing up from my spot.

"You guys are here, too!" Luffy exclaimed as the three ran into the room, stopping in front of us.

Robin smiled at the three. "I'm glad that we met up."

Luffy gave us a closed eyed smile. "Hey! There is a bunch of cool stuff here! Like a robot!"

"Yeah, we know! We've been watching you on a monitor." Usopp told him.

"Even when you were in a fight with Cipher Pol." Sanji added. "On top of that, we heard that we'd have Vegapunk aboard our ship."

"What? You did?" Luffy asked, surprised.

I let out a hum. "Yeah, we met him not long after he left you guys, actually. Weird guy." I tilted my head slightly. "I mean, he has an apple for a head!"

"I know right?! It's so cool." Luffy sniggered, as I assumed he was picturing the man now.

"We know what's up!" Franky exclaimed.

"Let's quickly get off this island with Vegapunk and the others!" Nami spoke up, getting to the point.

"What?!" We're leaving already?" Luffy asked, turning to Nami. "We just arrived on the island! Let's stay a bit more.

"I get the excitement but..." I trailed off, knowing it was a bad idea, despite how curious all of us were about this island.

"We want to as well! But this is the Government's island in the first place!" Usopp tried to reason, reminding Luffy of the important detail.

Nami squinted her eyes. "You saw Rob Lucci, didn't you?!"

There was a sound coming from where the two came from, causing Chopper and I to turn in confusion. "Something's going on outside." Chopper spoke up.

"You think it's them?" I asked, already knowing that was more than likely the reason.

Chopper let out a hum, agreeing with me as we turned back to the others. "I'm sure Cipher Pol will get here soon, so we can't waste any time." Nami explained to Luffy.

"But..." He trailed off before realization crossed his features. "Did you see Bonney? A female pirate with long hair?"

"Is that who you were with down at the robot?" Franky asked Luffy.

"She's trying to kill Vegapunk." Luffy told us all.

"What?!" Franky, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp gasped out in shock.

"Why?" Nami asked him.

Robin spoke up all of the sudden. "Speaking of, where's Vegapunk?"

"Oh yeah? I haven't seen him." Usopp replied, glancing towards the door he walked out of earlier. "Since when?"

All of us couldn't come up with an answer, not knowing how long it had been. "Why did he just go somewhere without telling us? That old geezer!" Sanji said in annoyance.

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