Chapter 2

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Jimbei let out a hearty chuckle. "I came to follow such a troublesome captain!"

"Luffy!" Chopper beamed, stars in his eyes. "I love it! I love your dream!"

Luffy tilted his head up from where he lay, looking over to Chopper. "Yeah?"

"It's great!" Chopper replied, jumping onto Usopp, knocking him down.

"Whoa-whoa, calm down, Chopper!" Usopp said, holding onto Chopper.

Sanji walked over, glancing down as Chopper wiggled in Usopp's grasp, still excited. "When even our doctors like this, we're in trouble!"

"Well, that's so you..." Nami sighed out, smiling fondly as she glanced at Luffy, to which he snickered in response.

"She's right." I spoke up, glancing down at Luffy. "I never expected that to be your real dream."

Luffy opened his eyes, glancing at me as he nodded. "Been that way since I was a kid."

"You have to be the King of the Pirates to make it happen!" Franky exclaimed. "But we can get to Laugh Tale with just one more Road Poneglyph."

"Don't say it like it's easy, Franky." Robin said, setting the newspaper beside her. "That last Road Poneglyph will be the most difficult one to find. Because... unlike the others, no one has found the last one in all this time. There are no clues at all."

I brought my gaze over to Robin, a thoughtful look on my face. She's right. Even if someone did find it and wanted to keep it a secret, they'd still need the other three to find Laughtale. So word would've gotten out by now if someone had it in their possession.

I then glanced down at Luffy once more. Of course, we could've used the Eternal Pose from the Pirate Fest, but Luffy being Luffy, he didn't want any short cuts and destroyed it. I smiled at the thought. Thats' what makes him different from the rest trying to become the King of the Pirates. It means something different to him than being ruler of the seas.

"Will it be hard?" Chopper asked, jumping off of Usopp's lap.

"Idiot!" Franky shouted out. "We should just find it! Our captain's dream is on the line!"

I glanced up to Franky, letting out a chuckle. As chopper gleamed again. "That's right! Let's find it! The last Poneglyph!"


"Holy crap, it's cold!" I shouted, holding onto the railing as the ship rocked back and forth violently. I flinched slightly as a wave crashed into the side of the ship, water spraying about.

"We're dead!"


Brook and Usopp cried out as I glanced forward, a huge burst of water popped in front of us as a sea monster loomed over us.

"A Neptunian!" The two exclaimed, holding onto each other. I heard Luffy laughing from atop of his spot on the lion's head as the harsh winds threw the sea monster over us and out of sight.

"This is messed up!" Brook said as he and Usopp came up beside me, glancing in the direction the sea monster was blown in. I walked away from the railing, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

"Aren't you cold?!" Sanji exclaimed, glancing over at Zoro.

Looking over, I saw he was sitting there with nothing but a coat draped over his shoulders. "It's all a matter of perception."

"Well, my eyes are perceiving that you aren't human." I grumbled out, wrapping my arms around myself as the wind blew once more.

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