Nimble Countman

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Nimble Countman. Oh ... well she- she was just perfect. She had such pretty hair, beautiful dark blue hair that didn't float above her head, but didn't give in to gravity either, it was just something in between. And she had such nice skin too, like a gray and a blue were mixed together and formed a single color that was so nicely spread on her skin and somehow still vibrant and glowing, demanding attention the moment she stepped into a room. And her eyes, a piercing gray color, her lashes long and her lips plump and flushed with her blue silver blood since she was half a mermaid.

Nimble was so sweet too, always smiling, always nice. You know, she was so liked by everyone. And back then I wasn't really jealous of her, I just loved the way she acted, they way she moved and how everyone always admired her.

I wasn't jealous, I knew that, I realized that, and I never hated her for anything.

Until a certain moment, of course, other wise I wouldn't have killed her.

Nimble Countman, a girl born in a High Noble family, the Heir of their name and as smart as could be was 23 when she had a crush on a boy. Well, this boy just happened to be Elias. And as most of his friends liked to follow what he did, so did she. I knew she wasn't a bad person, I knew that, but she did some bad stuff. She was the girl who pulled my hair when Elias cut a piece of my skin off.

She was quite annoying once she found out about the weird obsession Elias had over me. She groaned whenever he'd mock me. Put in minimal effort when he wanted more while experimenting with doing something to me. Like, when he'd softly drown me, trapping my head in a bubble of water, he'd have his friends hold my arms back and my legs together. And I didn't die because of that minimal effort that she put in. Maybe I should thank her for that moment. But I suppose I can't.

She thought he liked me. She thought I liked him. She thought this was our way of flirting. She thought a 10 year old liked her 21 year old crush. It was disgusting, of course, the idea as deranged as her.

But she was really in love, at least, she wouldn't do the stuff she did to me if it was merely a crush.

She would visit me at times. And the first time she visited me, she acted like everything that she helped Elias do was against her will. Well, I was young and I didn't have a mother or any female friends, and though I had a sense of Royal fashion, I had no one that would talk to me about anything on the gossip topic or the latest trends. I mostly figured stuff out myself, but only if I saw them or heard them, the rest was out of my control. I have only 2 ears and 2 eyes, excluding Willow because she is me. So you must understand my want to be friends with a girl that saw outside of these 2 eyes I have, someone who would gossip with me, would show me the newest fashions and talk to me about it, that I would have long conversations with about anything and nothing. Just not about weapons and tactics and competitions. I wanted a life outside of that. I wanted to talk about annoying people, and boys and girls, and new hobbies that were popular. I was greedy, I wanted more.

So when she came by and sat with me and gave me goods she had baked and drank tea with me and talked with me, I couldn't help but let my guard down completely, to believe everything she said. I liked her, a lot. Because that just happens with Nimble Countman, you just like her.

When she left she hugged me, and it was weird because besides the big buff woman who took care of me, I had never hugged a woman. No one wanted to touch me. Yet she did. She hugged me and though she was skinny, her skin felt so soft, so squishy when you hugged her. She held my hand and apologized profusely before leaving. I was happy. Until I looked in the mirror the next morning, until the big buff woman who took care of me screamed out in horror.

She had spiked the baked good she made for me with a potion that would make spiky hair grow all over my body. I looked like if a werewolf and a hedgehog would have baby, I looked horrible. I looked ugly. And it broke my heart. The worst part was that there was a Ball that evening, and I had to attend, I had to, and the spiky hair didn't want to stay away. I cut it off, I did, I bit it off, I ripped the skin and the hair follicles out, but it kept growing back, I cried and yelled at the failed attempt, at the blood streaming down from the ripped off skin. And I, very awkwardly, had to go to my father's room to tell him of it. Turned out that she slept in the castle, or she came by in the morning, just to see me walking to my father. And she wasn't alone. Elias was there too with all his friends, Alistair as well with all his friends because they were promised a surprise spectacle. And they got it.

Well, this kept happening. She was the Heir of one of the richest High Noble families, which is automatically very close to my father. And if that family gifts you something, you don't decline. Well, my father didn't know that it was Nimble Countman gifting him all these things that had little tricks in them. Like this dress that she gifted me, she had made a whole story on how she worked so hard to make it for her Future Queen. And my father bought it like an idiot, like I did with the baked goods. And he made me put it on. He said I had to thank her when I saw at the next event while wearing it. And I did. And the dress evaporated, disintegrated into a hundred cawing, screaming, black birds that were known for their ugly cries, like me apparently. Because I cried, ugly cried, really, it was horrifying to watch me cry in my undergarments, everyone gasping, their whole friend group laughing and I ran for it. And my father was so disappointed in me. He told me that I should've known, scolded me for wearing it, said that if anything I should've fixed it, proved them I was better. But I wasn't. I was 10 and crying and running out of a giant room filled with people who are supposed to see me as their future ruler, in my undergarments nonetheless. I wasn't better. I was less than them when I should have been more.

Well, this happened often. My father now knew about the situation, but as King and Hero of All People, if one of the richest High Noble families gifts you something, you can't discard it. It shows a lack of leadership and loyalty. It shows a lack of trust. And that there was. But you couldn't show it.

So he just ordered me to undo it. But I was 10 and I was horrible with spells, yet I had no choice. So, I tried. And I tried and tried until it went horribly. I said the incantation wrong and instead of the dress, it shot to me. And I landed myself in a 3 week coma. I was sitting in that bed for 3 weeks, just to wake up and be scolded for being so stupid. I apparently almost died.

'How dare I?', I suppose.

Well, I thought that maybe I should've told her face to face that I hated Elias, that he was all hers. And I did. And that too went horribly wrong. She thought I was mocking her and she tried to strangle me. I fought against her, but not too much, because ... how dare I hurt the Heir of one of the most loyal and the richest High Noble families.

Instead I acted like I was fighting. She kept strangling me, and that was the one of the many times I thought about just letting her. And I did and immediately she stopped when she realized I wasn't going to do anything, that this would all be her fault if she continued.

I killed her on the day my life changed forever by dismembering her, which seems boring, but I did. I was killing people and I slashed her arms off and her legs and her head and then I gave all of them a different set of lives. I talked with a few special dwarfs in the forest a few weeks earlier and they were special because they were these little dwarfs that would do the honor of sacrificing the sacrifice. And I asked them for 6 separate lives that would last a day or two, maybe a week, and they did in exchange for 6 different sacrifices. So, on that, after I dismembered her, I drenched her in the potion they gave me and I gave them her torso, her head, her legs and her arms. And I know what they do to sacrifices, I just also knew I didn't- wouldn't have the time to do it myself. And I remember a week after it happened, I was being escorted away to the cliff where my father would throw me off of, and I heard a mother, wailing. And I know I should've felt bad, but I couldn't, I simply couldn't. Something inside of me just wanted to laugh at them for being so dumb, being so far-off on who they thought their children were. And it was her, it was the woman I just held tightly by her neck. And I heard her scream and other whispering, saying how they found bits of Nimble. Little pieces of skin, her beautiful blue skin. And they found a piece of her skull with locks of hair missing. I knew the special dwarfs would torture the sacrifices before they actually did the sacrificing, I knew that the sacrifice had to be a pained individual and I knew she wasn't, she had an easy life, everything came easy to her because was effortlessly smart and pretty and nice and sweet and her charisma was off the charts, she could've gotten anyone if she wanted, but Elias was too much of a juggler with the girls, more than what she could've handled. She buried herself, practically committed suicide.

Her death was boring, but it was the best because it genuinely made me feel good.

So, the smile that was hiding behind the fear of the situation on that cliff, that day, was so bright, so wide. I was grinning basically, hearing melodies over the cries of her mother. She deserved it, Nimble, maybe not death, but the torture, she deserved it.

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- Love, me :).

They deserve it all.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon