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"Father." I say as I come out. "I'm ready, tell him he can come."

My father shakes his head when he sees me.

"I think I like the purple shawl better." I sigh loudly and visibly roll my eyes. "The pink just compliments him too much! You need to set your dominance but still be your own person with your own colors. You need to seem nice and adjustable, but also steadfast and powerful. You know?"

"No." I say simply. But I don't fight it. I grab the purple one and drape it over my arms. "Tell him he can come."

I walk out the doors and see him standing there, right opposite of me. He's wearing a simple flowing robe that seems to have been cut nicely for his size, nothing too special and some sandals that seem to curl up.

I wait for him to say something, he doesn't, he seems nervous. I don't.

"Cillian, it's good to finally meet you."

He giggles a little. "Your Royal Highness, it is an absolute honor to meet you, a shame it's so formal, makes me panic a little." He takes my hand that sits on my hip by shuffling closer to me and reach out up high to grab it, he plants a little kiss on my pastel purple glove and stares at me as he does.

The guards leave from our sight and I lead us to private Royal Garden I had ordered to be made. I couldn't stand all the High Nobles and Nobles wanting to talk to me with every step I took, I didn't like it but at the same time I loved the Garden, so I requested my own.

"Oh ..!" Cillian exclaims as he walks up the stairs. He has to go a little faster because of his short legs and though I tried to walk slower, I keep ending up far in front of him. "I have never known this was here."

I smile as we both sit down on the comfortable chairs I picked out, by the table with my favorite snacks. "It's a new addition to the Grand Castle on my name."

"Well, it's beautiful."

It's quiet. Awkwardly quiet. I stare out in front of myself while he looks at his hands.



"I'm sorry, you go first!"

"No, it's okay, you spoke first."

"No, I insist—" I give him a look and he caves. "Okay ... I just wanted to ask if you think I really have a chance? My mother pressed me to go and apply, but I never thought myself eligible. I have seen others when I stood in line, and all of them were different from me and I realized I didn't have a chance yet still partook. Though I thought to myself, maybe, and wanted to ask you if you think I have a chance when I saw you." He chuckles nervously, again. "So? Do you?"

I tilt my head a little, my brows furrowed. "That is an odd and slightly disrespectful thing to ask, you know that right? You haven't shown what type of person you are, so how do you expect me to know whether I see you in the picture of my future reign if I don't know you."

He's startled. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to be disrespectful. I just- I look different, don't I? It makes everything somewhat harder."

"How would that make things harder?"

He shrugs. "Well, seeing how you were once an outcast, how I am an outcast— you know, I never thought me eligible or worthy of sitting on a throne."

"With thoughts like that you'll never sit on one."

"I don't mean it in that kinda way, it's more, like ... me, a King? That thought really rattles me." He makes eye contact with me, his hair put up in a high hairdo, it makes moving his head harder. "It's just ... a King is either intimidating or tall or strong or wise."

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