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So like I had said in the notes of chapter 28, this will be the backstory of Larien, also in his perspective. This does involve some TWs, including abandonment, fear of it, slight mention of abuse and murder.

My name is Larien now, it didn't used to be, it changed a lot over the course of my life due to instances, right until I just made one up. I used to be Kao Kindleman, after that I was The Ghost, and then I changed it to Larien Lamorelli. And now I am Larien, The Man of the Heir to Royal throne.

Back when my name was Kao Kindleman, when I was a kid and they noticed I had feelings, something which used to be rare for my kind, we weren't supposed to have feelings, yet I had them. They began developing when I was around 10 years old and the people I worked for, they noticed it. But I was good at what I did, really good, I made them feel good, I made their burdens lighter, made their frowns soften and so they went along with it, with me. 2 grown adults who were in love yet couldn't have children, they thought that if they had a child like creature of their own, their broken relationship would be fixed, so they went along with it.

Instead of throwing me to the side and giving up on me, they tried to fix me, they tried their best to fix what was so very very wrong with me.

They beat me to stop me from crying at night, which only resulted in more crying. They refused me food if I got angry, which made me angrier. They would kick me out into the forest in the middle of the night while I was asleep and as punishment had to figure my way home on my own. Worse was when they would just ignore me, silent treatment, right until I realized that screaming and crying wouldn't help. It worked for them, I stopped being so emotional, but instead I began to bottle up all my rage as a way of dealing with it.

So yeah, my childhood years weren't amazing, sure, but they did love me, secretly, silently did they love me.

When I was no longer a child, when I was a teenager, still Kao Kindleman, I began to grow and with that began to look less and less like a child, less cute. My tantrums were no longer 'annoying and yet a little funny and cute', sneaking food into my room, it was no longer 'annoying and yet a little funny and cute', when I'd cry over them going away for another month, it was no longer 'annoying and yet a little funny and cute', it was no longer 'annoying and yet a little funny and cute', it was just annoying.

I still loved those 2 adults, they still loved me, until one day, all that bottled up rage and the overwhelming sorrow sprung out, I got really angry, said some things that should've been left unsaid, did some things that I shouldn't been left undone. I made a mistake, I know, realized that, but I was angry and so were they. Then as I realized I was in the wrong and went to apologize, walking back to what was my home, they had 2 suitcases with everything they bought me, every piece of me, of the years I spent in there ever since I could. I was to go, they didn't know where but said that I was no longer fit to be in their family. And up until this day I wonder what would have happened had I not lashed out, would they have kept me, or was it inevitable. Unfortunately, I wasn't good when it came to dealing with loss, I was a sore loser, I said that to myself as I stayed outside their home, hidden in the forest, some times stealing some food whenever I could, the hungry feeling I'd get made realize that I was doing something important, that this was worth it. But, most of the time, I would just be watching them, waiting for them to change their minds, for if they would, I would be right here.

They got a new kid. One without too many emotions. They seemed happy with the kid, happier than they had been in the late years with me. It took me 2 months of denying it, telling myself they'll come out and yell out my name desperately, sobbing when they realize that their new child cannot replace the child they had and put their effort in for years, reminding themselves they cannot live without me, because I could not live without them.

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