Chapter 34: Hidden Concerns

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Tsukiyo reclined in her bed, a book in hand, enjoying a rare moment of tranquillity. The door creaked open, and Sanemi's imposing figure filled the doorway.

"What took you so long?" he grumbled, his usual gruff demeanour in full force. "I've been standing out there for ages."

Tsukiyo couldn't help but smile at his familiar grumpiness. "Sorry, Shinazugawa. I didn't realise you were waiting," she replied, amusement dancing in her eyes.

Sanemi huffed, but his eyes softened as he stepped further into the room. "How're you feeling?" he asked, his tone gruff but tinged with genuine concern.

Tsukiyo's smile widened at the unexpected tenderness in his question. "Much better, thanks to Shinobu's expertise," she replied, a note of gratitude in her voice.

Sanemi grunted in response, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes. "Good. You scared the hell out of us," he muttered, his gruffness masking his worry.

Tsukiyo's expression softened, touched by his concern. "I'm sorry," she said sincerely. "I will be more careful next time."

Sanemi waved off her apology with a grumpy grunt. "Just don't do it again," he grumbled, though his words carried a thread of affection.

Tsukiyo noticed Sanemi standing awkwardly, his arms behind his back. She frowned at his unusual posture, but her expression soon shifted to a wide smile as she held out her right arm, palm up.

"You can just give it to me, you know, Shinazugawa," Tsukiyo teased. "Your hands must be tired from holding it."

"What are you talking about!" Sanemi tried to mask his shyness, his voice rising slightly.

"Isn't that for me? You promised to make me a congratulatory meal for completing the tasks for you in the past month and surviving the mission," Tsukiyo winked playfully.

Sanemi grunted in response, still refusing to admit his intentions. "You didn't keep your promise of coming back safely. Look at you now! Pale and pathetic. Just take it already!"

Despite his gruff demeanour, Sanemi thrust the wrapped bundle into her hands, his eyes betraying a hint of concern.

Tsukiyo's eyes widened in surprise as she unwrapped the bundle to find a beautifully prepared meal. "You made this?"

Sanemi shrugged, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "Don't make a big deal out of it."

"But it looks so good!" Tsukiyo exclaimed, eagerly taking a bite. "And it tastes as good as it looks! I didn't know you could cook so well, Shinazugawa!"

Sanemi shifted uncomfortably, clearly unused to the praise. "It's just food," he muttered.

Tsukiyo laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "If you're such a good cook, why do you even ask me to cook for you?" she asked, continuing to stuff food into her mouth.

"Well, since you were my maid for a month, I figured I should make full use of it," Sanemi replied. "Have you ever heard of the owner cooking while the maid gets to relax? What an idiot!"

Shaking her head, Tsukiyo pretended to let out a dramatic sigh. "I should have known. Still, this is really good." Pausing for a moment, a slight blush tinted her cheeks. "Thank you, Sanemi. This meal means a lot to me."

Sanemi's eyes widened slightly at the shift in how Tsukiyo addressed him.

"Shut up and eat your food! If you're not going to eat, pass it back!" Sanemi retorted, his gruff tone masking a trace of bashfulness.

Upon hearing that, Tsukiyo dove back into her meal without hesitation, determined to savour every bite before Sanemi could change his mind.

"You don't have to eat like a pig," Sanemi remarked, concern lacing his words.

"I should get going. See you around, Tsukiyo." His voice softened as he turned to leave, but Tsukiyo couldn't miss it – he had called her by her first name, just as she had addressed him earlier.

In the room, Tsukiyo savoured the last bite of her meal, her mind buzzing with thoughts of Sanemi. She couldn't deny the strange mix of emotions swirling within her – gratitude for his gesture, amusement at his gruff yet endearing demeanour, and a flutter of something else she couldn't quite name.

Meanwhile, Sanemi made his way through the corridors of the headquarters, his steps heavy with the weight of his own thoughts. The memory of Tsukiyo's smile lingered in his mind, igniting a warmth in his chest that he couldn't quite explain. He had never been one for sentimentality, but there was something about Tsukiyo that stirred unfamiliar emotions within him.

The thought of it unsettled him, prompting a sense of fear he was reluctant to confront. He pushed the thoughts aside, unwilling to delve deeper into them. He had hardened himself to avoid attachments, so what is this that is happening now?

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