Chapter 33: Shared Burdens, Lighter Hearts

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In the dim light of the forest, Giyu Tomioka carefully wrapped bandages around Tsukiyo's wounded arm. The silence between them was heavy with unspoken tension, each of them lost in their thoughts. Tsukiyo winced as Tomioka tightened the bandage, and he mumbled an apology, his usually stoic face softening for a moment.

"Thank you, Tomioka-san," Tsukiyo said softly.

She studied his face, searching for the man behind the mask of indifference he often wore. "I heard some of what you said while you were caught in Akuro's aura. I just want you to know, you are worthy of being a Hashira. You are strong, fearless, and have a good heart. You say you're different from the others, but I beg to differ."

Tomioka hesitated, his eyes clouding over with memories. "I've lost the most important people," he began slowly, his voice heavy with sorrow. "They are gone because of me. My sister tried to protect me. The guilt... it's always there. I'm not like the others because I... because I don't deserve to be. Sabito should have been the Water Hashira, not me."

Tsukiyo looked at Giyu, reaching out and gently placing her hand on his.

"Tomioka, you carry so much weight on your shoulders," she said softly. "But you need to understand that what happened to your sister and Sabito isn't your fault. We all fight knowing the risks, and they did too. They would never want you to blame yourself."

Giyu looked away, but Tsukiyo continued, her voice steady and reassuring. "You honour their memories by being the Water Hashira, by protecting others as they tried to protect you. Sabito would be proud of you, I'm sure of it. You are worthy, not because you are perfect, but because you continue to fight despite everything you've been through."

She squeezed his hand gently, trying to convey her sincerity. "You're not alone in this. We're all here to support each other. And you've supported us more than you know."

For a moment, Giyu's guarded expression softened, and he looked at Tsukiyo with gratitude.

Her words seemed to lift a bit of the burden he carried, if only slightly. He nodded, acknowledging her comfort and support. "Thank you, Amano," he said quietly, a rare, small smile touching his lips.

Tsukiyo felt a warmth in her chest at seeing his smile, however small. "I'm glad to see you smile, Tomioka. I understand how you feel, more than you might realise. My parents lost their lives protecting me when I was just a newborn. I never even got to know them."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Afterwards, I was a rebellious teen. My adoptive aunt, Hikari-neesan, got badly injured saving me from a demon. It was my fault. My recklessness caused her to step down from her position as the Crystal Hashira. It was then I realised how childish and selfish I had been. I vowed to work hard and become the Crystal Hashira, to protect others just as my parents and Hikari-neesan tried to protect me. I must not let their efforts go to waste."

Giyu listened intently, the shared pain creating a bridge between them. "I never knew," he said softly. "Thank you for sharing that with me. It... it helps to know that someone else understands."

Tsukiyo nodded, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We all carry our scars, Tomioka. But it's how we move forward that defines us. You honour Sabito and your sister by continuing to fight, by being the best Hashira you can be, with us all fighting together."

Giyu's eyes softened, and for the first time in a long while, he felt a flicker of hope. "You're right," he said, his voice firmer. "Thank you, Amano. Your words mean more to me than you know."

Tsukiyo smiled brightly, "Thank you too, for bandaging my wound so well. Let's head back to the headquarters now!" Giyu nodded and began to prepare for their journey back.

As they started their journey back to the base, Tsukiyo felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.

She stumbled slightly, and Giyu, always vigilant, noticed immediately. "You don't look well," he said, concern evident in his voice. "Let me carry you."

"No, I'm fine," Tsukiyo protested, trying to steady herself. But the world around her was spinning, and she could feel her strength waning.

"You look really pale," Giyu insisted, seeing the pallor of her face.

Without waiting for her agreement, he knelt down, offering his back. Too exhausted to argue, Tsukiyo relented, and he hoisted her gently, making sure she was secure before continuing their trek.

When they finally reached the base, they were met by Sanemi Shinazugawa. His sharp eyes immediately noticed Tsukiyo on Giyu's back and the bandages on her arm.

"What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, his voice laced with irritation. "Don't you have your own legs, Amano? Why do you need someone to piggyback you?"

Tsukiyo tried to respond, but Sanemi's glare was fixed on Giyu. "And you," he snarled, "I knew you couldn't be reliable on missions. What did you do to her?"

Giyu didn't respond, his face remaining impassive, though a flicker of guilt crossed his eyes. He knew part of Tsukiyo's condition was his fault.

Their argument was cut short when Tsukiyo's body went limp, her eyes rolling back as she began to faint.

When Tsukiyo didn't respond, Sanemi's worry intensified. "We need Shinobu, now!" he yelled.

Sanemi took Tsukiyo from Giyu's back, cradling her in his arms. Together, they hurried to the Butterfly Estate to find Shinobu.

Shinobu quickly assessed the situation. "It's a mild poison," she diagnosed, her voice calm yet urgent. "This type of poison appears to come from a plant."

"It must be from the vines that injured her arm," Giyu said softly.

Sanemi's eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on Giyu. "What vines? You knew about those vines?" he demanded, accusation lacing his voice. "And you still let her get hurt?"

Giyu's usually stoic expression faltered, a flicker of remorse flashing in his eyes.

Shinobu intervened, her tone firm yet calming. "Can we please keep it down? Let's focus on Tsukiyo's treatment for now."

The tension between Sanemi and Giyu eased slightly at Shinobu's interruption, and they fell silent.

Working swiftly, Shinobu prepared an antidote. Sanemi and Giyu watched anxiously as she administered it, hoping it would take effect soon. After a tense few minutes, colour began to return to Tsukiyo's cheeks, and her breathing steadied.

"She'll be fine," Shinobu assured them, a gentle smile on her face. "She just needs rest."

Relief washed over both men, though Sanemi couldn't resist one last jab at Giyu. "You're lucky she's okay," he muttered. Giyu merely nodded, his thoughts solely on Tsukiyo's recovery.

As Tsukiyo drifted into a peaceful sleep, the tension that had gripped the room began to dissipate.

Leaving Tsukiyo in Shinobu's capable hands, Sanemi and Giyu quietly exited the room.

As Giyu stepped out into the cool night air, a sense of calm settled over him, the weight of the day's events gradually lifting from his shoulders.

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