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Hi buns ❤

Jungkook stood awkwardly in his room with taehyung being in the same position.

Now what? Will they share bed or one has to sleep on couch. Jungkook sigh taking the pillow from bed making taehyung smile little.

" You take the bed I will sleep on couch " He said sheepishly to taehyung who chuckle shaking his head.

" No you can sleep on bed, we can put pillows between us like last time and I still remember how you were not fitting on that couch" Taehyung said making him embarrassed.

Jungkook nodded his head with shy chuckle and scratch his nape shyly. Butterflies were dancing in his stomach remembering how they were snuggled up last time till morning, he is not going to lost the same opportunity so he jump on his bed immediately.

Taehyung sat there putting pillows between them.
" I don't know why i am even putting them between us, last time they were of no use" Taehyung thought setting the last pillow.

" Good night " He said laying down closing his eyes. Jungkook said the same now laying there admiring his beautiful face.

Taehyung was fast asleep as he was tired from all the work while jungkook just keep staring at him.

He wave his hand in front of him to see if is asleep or not and sigh feeling no movement from other.
" He must be tired" He thought chuckling but glare at pillows placed between them.

He smirk picking up all the pillows and throwing them on the floor.
" We don't need you" He said with a proud grin and move closer to taehyung snuggling to him.

" At least I can cuddle with him now" He thought smiling and buried his face into his soft chest.

" Have sweet dreams beautiful " He said and closed his eyes as sleep engulfed him.


Taehyung woke up from the rays of sun peeking from curtains ruining his sleep.

He groan and tried to move but stop feeling weight on him.
" Not again" He thought and look down and roll his eyes seeing jungkook laying fully on him. He was unable to move because of his heavy body.

He tried his best to move other but looks like he can't without waking him up. Taehyung bite his lips from embarrassment he will feel if jungkook wake up.

His eyes widen feeling a hand trailing on his chest, he made a sound feeling jungkook grabbing his chest but quickly cover his mouth.

" Oh god" He said pushing his hands away. But jungkook again bring his hand near his chest pressing it.

Taehyung sigh glaring at the ceiling.
" This bunny" He said but chuckle realizing what he called other.

" If he would have been awake, he will have make fuzz of how he is not a bunny " He laugh saying and push other hands away.

He use his all strength to push him off himseld but again failed.

" Umm jungk-ook"he stuttered embarrassed from the situation he is in. Taehyung face pulmed realizing how heavy sleeper other is and having enough of him he shouted in his ear loudly.

" Jungkook get up "

Jungkook wake up rubbing his eyes and look at taehyung with confusion.
" Can you please get up from on me" Taehyung said with red cheeks.

Jungkook look down and immediately move away from him with cough, a cough of embarrassment.

" And when you sleep try to keep your hands to yourself " Taehyung said glaring at him covering his chest with his hands.

Jungkook cheeks adorn red and nodded his head. Taehyung than get down from bed and stare at scattered pillows with suspicion. He arched his eyebrow at jungkook who scratch his nape running toward washroom.

" Get ready we are getting late from work" Jungkook said closing the door. Taehyung huff going down stairs to help Mrs jeon.

After an hour,

" Ok mom we are leaving you can now leave taehyung alone" Jungkook said rolling his eyes. His mother was clinging to taehyung from an hour.

" Ok son , have a good day and don't forget about tomorrow's plan" She said giving a hug to taehyung.

" I will be here on time to pick you" Taehyung said kissing her cheeks.

" Wow she get a kiss on cheeks what about me" Jungkook thought glaring at his mom who smirk at him.

" Bye son" She said kissing taehyung cheeks smirking at jungkook who look at her with disbelief. She love teasing her son.

Jungkook was driving car with a poker face, internally his mind was playing memory of taehyung kissing his mom's cheeks and his mom kissing his cheeks on repeat. He was driving on full speed.

" Umm Mr jeon--

" Why don't you kiss me huh"he asked putting his feet on break.

" What? " Taehyung asked with wide eyes.

Jungkook eyes widen in realization, he spoke his intrusive thoughts aloud and chuckle nervously at taehyung who was looking at him weirdly.

" I mean stop talking, let me drive we are getting late from work" He covered his embarrassment with cold words.

Taehyung shrug his shoulder looking away. He sometimes can't understand his boss.

Jungkook stop his car near his company and went straight in throwing keys at guard to park the car.

Taehyung stood there with astonishment. " He didn't even wait for me" Taehyung said rolling his eyes and walk inside the company.

" Taehyung " Taehyung look at side seeing jennie calling him. He smile walking toward her and sana.

" Good morning girls" He said greeting them.

" Yeah good morning but why you came with Mr jeon" Jennie asked interested. He chuckle and tried to divert the topic.

" Umm Jennie I will talk with you both later actually Mr jeon must be waiting for me" He ran from there not giving them chance to speak.

Taehyung went into his cabin before rushing to jungkook office.
He knocked on his office door before going in. He stood near jungkook and told him about today schedule with professionalism. Jungkook nodded his head along.

" Ok Mr Kim today my dad's friend Mr han is coming from abroad , go and pick him up from airport, he and his daughter will be living in my house for some days" He said now looking at him.

Taehyung look at jungkook confusedly " How will I recognize him"

" They will be standing there with my name board in there hand" Jungkook said making him nod.

" Ok then I will be leaving to pick them up" Taehyung left bowing with one thought in his mind" Am I his driver? "


By 💜

My possessive CEO  (Taekook) Where stories live. Discover now