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Hi lovelies❤ double update.


" Ahhh why didn't I keep my mouth fucking shut" Taehyung scream coming outside from jeon building.

" But that fucking hot man deserves that, what he think of himself, if he will not give me job I will not get job anywhere. I will apply to other company " He said angrily glaring at nothing in particular and went away from there not before glaring at poor building.

" Isn't he is the boy whom jungkook was talking about but why is he talking to himself and glaring at that building " Jhope thought watching other from his car

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

" Isn't he is the boy whom jungkook was talking about but why is he talking to himself and glaring at that building " Jhope thought watching other from his car. He is here to visit jungkook.

He confusely walk inside the  company and quickly enter in elevator to reach his cabin.

He knock on the door and enter inside seeing jungkook angrily sitting there with pissed off face.

" Who stole your banana milk kook" He asked taking seat on sofa

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

" Who stole your banana milk kook" He asked taking seat on sofa. Jungkook jaw clemched remembering previous encounter and look at jhope with done expression.

" Today I take that boys interview " He started making jhope nod.

" Yes I saw him glaring at poor building before coming here. What happened then" He asked making jungkook sigh. He told him each and everything from start and the way that boy insulted him before leaving.

Jhope control his laughter that was going to escape his mouth knowing other is pissed.
" He should have at least use decent word to insult you" He said smugly.

" Exactly that's what I--- hey hey what are you saying" Jungkook angrily asked realizing what other said and jhope burst into laughter not able to control it anymore.

Jungkook glare at him while he laugh his ass off. " Ok ok sorry but you should not have tested his patience kook. He must have got angry at your remarks" He said making jungkook more angry.

" Are you on my side or his " He asked making jhope smile.

" I am on no one side jungkook but you yourself said he was capable of this job than why you let your ego win " He said making jungkook sigh

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

" I am on no one side jungkook but you yourself said he was capable of this job than why you let your ego win " He said making jungkook sigh.

" I was just saying truth" He said looking here and there. Jhope smile at his behavior.

" Do you know why I am here" He asked making jungkook curious.

" No why are you here" He asked confusely. " To tell you that taehyung have also applied to my company 2 days ago and I was here to know if you hired him or not, otherwise I will hire him" He said making jungkook roll his tongue in his cheeks.

" Don't hire him, reject his CV " He said intensively looking into his eyes.

" And why would I" Jhope asked making him nervous." Because he is my pray hyung' he said making jhope laugh.

" Which pray jungkook did you forget you have rejected him" Jhope  laughed making him bite his tongue angrily.

" Still you are not going to hire him hyung" He said pissed making jhope shook his head at other stubbornness.

" Jungkook try to understand he look innocent and he have not done anything to me than why would I not hire him" He try to make him understand but sigh seeing other stubborn behavior.

" I will hire him"jungkook said and call leena to send email to taehyung that he is hired and he is needed here sharp 8.

Jhope look at him with wide eyes.
" Are you out of your mind" He asked shocked making jungkook shrug his shoulder.

" Do you think he will accept your offer after what you did to him" He asked making jungkook question his own decision.

" I don't know hyung but I want him to work here and I will make his life hell here" He said remembering others insulting.

Jhope look at him like he have grown two head. " You are unbelievable " He said shooking his head at his ridiculous behavior. He drop the topic knowing other is not gonna understand him and start talking about business matter.

Jungkook smirk knowing what he have messaged leena to add as a warning to mail.
" I will see how you will reject my offer" He thought internally smirking.

Taehyung was laying on his bed cursing at jungkook. His parents are not home and know he is feeling lonely. Jimin is also with his boyfriend so he can't call him and curse about that CEO.

" Ahh what will I tell mom and dad that he didn't hire me. They will get sad knowing I didn't get job in my dream company " He thought pouting and again curse at jungkook.

His phone ding and he quickly open to see if jimin have messaged him. He raise his eyebrows seeing e-mail from jeon enterprise.

" What he want from me know" He said rolling his eyes and open it.

" What the hell" He shout seeing what other have messaged him.

" Kim taehyung you are accepted as jeon jungkook personal assistant so you are expected to be in the company at sharp 8. Don't try to reject the offer because Mr jeon have already order each and every company to not hire you. No body is gonna hire you and your attorney parents can't do anything. So peacefully accept the offer. Boss will be waiting for you. Be on time" .

Taehyung with open mouth read the mail again and again and angrily throw the phone on bed.

" This bastard what he think of himself. I am not going to his job. He can do what ever he want" He screamed and close the light to sleep not before setting alarm of 7 am.


By ❤✨

My possessive CEO  (Taekook) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ