chapter 32 : a risky partnership

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Mahira's pov :

I stepped into the grand palace, my heart racing with anticipation. I had been summoned by Veeranshu again, and I couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for me this time. As I followed him through the opulent halls, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. We finally stopped in front of a large door, and he pushed it open with a flourish.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I narrowed my eyes, my gaze scanning the room. It was  the luxurious one that I couldn't deny , to say the least, with velvet drapes and a massive bed that seemed to dominate the space. But I was not about to fall for his charms.

"No way, Veeranshu," I said, my voice firm. "I'm not staying in your room."

He feigned hurt, his eyes widening in mock surprise. "What, don't you like my decor?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not falling for that. Show me another room."

He chuckled, a low, husky sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Fine, fine. I'll show you another room. But it's not as luxurious as this one, I warn you."

He led me to a room nearby, and I was relieved to see that it was just as lavish as the first one, but without the overwhelming presence of Veeranshu's bed.

"Thank you," I said, my voice a little softer.

Veeranshu smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Anytime, mahii . I aim to please."

As I settled into the opulent room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Veeranshu. He had thought of everything, providing me with a spacious writing area, a comfortable bed, and even a walk-in closet filled with designer clothes and shoes. I smiled to myself, realizing that he had gone overboard with the amenities, but it was a welcome gesture nonetheless.

I spent the next few hours organizing my writing space, setting up my laptop and notes, and trying to focus on my work. But my mind kept wandering back to Veeranshu, wondering what his motives were for treating me like a queen.

As I worked, I couldn't help but notice the lavish surroundings, the expensive artwork on the walls, and the lavish furnishings that seemed to scream of Veeranshu's wealth. He certainly had a taste for the finer things in life, and I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by it all.

Despite the distractions, I managed to make some progress on my writing, and as the sun began to set, I took a break to explore the palace. Veeranshu had told me to make myself at home, and I was determined to do just that.

As I settled into my new surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for my old life. I missed my orphanage , my routine . So, when I had a chance to meet up with Abhii, I jumped at the opportunity.

I sent him a quick text, "Hey Abhii! I'm free to meet up today. How about we grab coffee at that new cafe downtown? I need to collect my things from you too."

I waited anxiously for his response, my mind racing with all the things I wanted to catch up on.  I hoped he had kept my stuff  safe.

Finally, my phone buzzed with his response, "Hey Mahira! Yeah, sure thing. I'll meet you at the cafe at 3 pm. And don't worry, your stuff is safe with me."

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of reconnecting with my friend. Little did I know, our meeting would be filled with surprises and revelations that would change everything.

I called Veeranshu as he went out for some work or I don't know what .

"Hey Veeranshu, I'm heading out to meet Abhii. I'll be a bit late, okay?" I said, already knowing his response.

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