chapter 29: unraveling the mystery

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I stood frozen in the doorway, my eyes wide with wonder

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I stood frozen in the doorway, my eyes wide with wonder. The suite before me was nothing short of breathtaking. The luxurious furnishings, the lavish decor, the stunning chandelier - everything screamed opulence. But as I gazed around, my excitement slowly gave way to confusion. Where was my room? I had specifically asked Veeranshu for a separate suite, and he had assured me it was taken care of.

I turned to him, my voice laced with a hint of panic. "Veeranshu, where's my room?"

He sauntered into the suite, a nonchalant smile playing on his lips. "Oh, Mahii , you're too tired from the journey. You need to rest. This suite is perfect for us."

Us. The word sent a shiver down my spine. I felt a growing sense of unease as I realized his plan. "Veeranshu, you can't be serious. We're sharing a suite?"

He shrugged, his eyes glinting with amusement. "It's the best suite in the hotel. Why waste two separate rooms when we can enjoy this luxury together?"

I felt my face heat up with indignation. "Enjoy it together?" I repeated, my voice low and even. "You know I specifically asked for separate rooms."

Veeranshu chuckled, his eyes never leaving mine. "Ah, come on, Mahii. We're adults. We can handle sharing a suite."

I narrowed my eyes, my mind racing with thoughts. This was not what I had agreed to. But as I looked around the lavish suite, I knew I had little choice. For now, I was stuck sharing this luxurious suite with Veeranshu.

Veeranshu's smirk grew wider, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, come on, Mahii !p Don't be a spoilsport! Sharing a suite with me will be the highlight of your trip, I promise!"

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide a smile. "I highly doubt that, Veeranshu. You're not exactly the most tolerable person to be around."

Veeranshu feigned offense, his hand on his heart. "Oh, Mahii ! You wound me! I'm a charming and delightful travel companion, I assure you!"

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Charming and delightful? You? Ha!"

Veeranshu chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Well, maybe I'm more 'devilishly handsome and irresistibly charming'?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "You're something else, Veeranshu."

He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "That's why you love me, Mahii."

I blushed, trying to deny it, but Veeranshu just winked at me, his smile growing wider.

As we delved into our work, Veeranshu became engrossed in an article about archeological sites, his brow furrowed in concentration. I, on the other hand, was determined to find more connections between the ancient temple and the mysterious symbols. Our lunch was a working one, with us discussing our findings and theories between bites.

"I think I've found something," I exclaimed, my eyes scanning the ancient text on my tablet. "A mention of a secret mechanism beneath the temple, where the ancient secrets lie ."

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