chapter 25 : shadows of the past

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I watched as Mahira danced with Dev Singh, my eyes narrowing with every step they took together

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I watched as Mahira danced with Dev Singh, my eyes narrowing with every step they took together. Jealousy and anger simmered in my chest, threatening to boil over. How dare he touch her? How dare he even look at her?

I tried to calm myself down, telling myself it was just a dance, but my possessiveness wouldn't let go. Mahira was mine, and I wouldn't let anyone take her away from me.

As they twirled across the dance floor, I couldn't help but notice the way Dev Singh held her hand, the way he looked at her with an intensity that made my blood boil. I knew that look, that gaze. It was the same one I had when I was around her.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the microphone, my heart racing with anticipation. I needed to mark my territory, to let everyone know that Mahira was taken.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I announced, my voice echoing through the hall, "I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce my girlfriend, Ms. Mahira Sengupta!"

The room erupted in applause, and I watched as Mahira's eyes met mine, a hint of surprise and delight flashing across her face. Dev Singh smiled and nodded in approval, but I knew he was seething inside. Good. Let him know that Mahira was off-limits.

As the music ended, I strode over to Mahira, my eyes locked on told her, "You look stunning, Mahira. I'll catch up with you later."

I could feel Dev Singh's gaze on me, but I didn't bother acknowledging him. I knew I had made my point. Mahira was mine, and no one was going to take her away from me.

Veeranshu's hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me close as we swayed to the music. Our bodies moved in perfect harmony, our eyes locked on each other. The crowd around us melted away, and it was just us, lost in our own little world.

"Thanks, Mr. Rajput, for making me tomorrow's headlines," I whispered, my voice husky.

Veeranshu chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime, Mahii. You look stunning, by the way."

I smiled, my heart racing with excitement. "Veeranshu, we have to talk."

His brow furrowed, but he didn't miss a beat. "What is it, Mahii?"

I leaned in, my voice barely audible over the music. "Dev remembers everything."

Veeranshu's grip on my waist tightened, his eyes flashing with intensity. He listened intently as I continued, "We have to find the ancient temple."

The music swirled around us, but our conversation was a secret only we shared. The crowd thought we were just lost in our own little love bubble, but in reality, we were discussing secrets and ancient mysteries.

Veeranshu's expression turned skeptical. "But you were scared before, with this letter and ancient temple stuff."

I nodded, my hair brushing against his chest. "I know, but we can't ignore it now. Dev knows something, and we need to uncover the truth."

The music ended, and we parted, our eyes still locked on each other. Veeranshu offered me his arm, and I took it, feeling a sense of determination washed over us.

"Let's get out of here, Mahira. You look a little tired," he said, his voice low and protective.

I nodded, and we made our way through the crowd, our minds already racing with plans to uncover the secrets of the ancient temple.

I nodded, and we made our way through the crowd, our minds already racing with plans to uncover the secrets of the ancient temple

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We drove through the night, the city lights blurring together as we sped along. I was lost in thought, my mind racing with the events of the evening. Dev Singh's words, the ancient temple, the secrets he hinted at... it was all too much to process.

Veeranshu's voice broke through my reverie. "Hey, Mahii? You okay?"

I turned to him, his eyes concerned. "Yeah, just thinking."

He nodded, his gaze never leaving mine. "Want to talk about it?"

I hesitated, unsure if I was ready to share my thoughts. But Veeranshu's gentle prodding and the warmth in his eyes put me at ease. "It's just... Dev Singh knows something, Veeranshu. And I think we need to find out what that is."

Veeranshu's expression turned serious, his jaw clenched. "I won't let anything happen to you, Mahii. We'll get to the bottom of this together."

I said it casually, not realizing the impact it would have on Veeranshu. "By the way, I found out something interesting. Dev Singh and Devansh Raj are the same person."

Veeranshu's eyes widened, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "What? How did you...? That's not possible."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by his reaction. "I forgot to tell " . Oh! I didn't tell him .

I tried to ease the tension by teasing Veeranshu, my voice playful. "Well, I have to say, Dev Singh is quite handsome, isn't he?"

Veeranshu's gaze snapped towards me, his eyes narrowing. "What are you talking about, Mahii?"

I smiled innocently. "Just stating the obvious. I mean, have you seen those piercing eyes and that chiseled jawline?"

Veeranshu's face darkened, his voice low and warning. "Mahira, don't even joke about that."

I chuckled, my eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, Veeranshu. I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Don't be so serious all the time."

Veeranshu's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles white. "You have no idea what he's capable of, Mahira. Don't trivialize this."

I reached out, my hand on his arm, my voice softening. "I know, Veeranshu. I'm sorry. I just wanted to tease you a little. I didn't mean to make light of the situation."

Veeranshu's expression softened slightly, his eyes still intense. "Just remember, Mahii . Dev Singh is not someone to be trusted ."

I nodded, my voice serious. "I know, Veeranshu. I'll be careful. I promise."

The tension in the car eased slightly, but I knew that the underlying current of unease and distrust still lingered, waiting to surface again.

As we drove further, I realized we weren't heading towards my apartment. Instead, the car was taking a familiar route, one that led to Veeranshu's palace.

"Veeranshu, where are we going?" I asked, a hint of curiosity in my voice.

He didn't respond, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. I tried again, my tone slightly firmer. "Veeranshu, I thought we were going to my place?"

Still, no response. I felt a flutter in my chest. Why was he taking me to his place? What did he have planned?

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