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I have decided I like fire probably because its burning down my childhood house which I hated. My childhood all burning to the ground and I love it. I know I shouldn't be doing this but Olivias not here to stop me. My sister not here to stop me.

"DUKE." I hear my name being screamed by the one person who I thought would never come to help. Its Maddie.

All I hear is Maddie yelling at me to get away to stop standing there and walk away. I can't I have to make sure it all burns, all of it. I couldn't watch this house stand here any more. But I have to, for her. I turn around and every thing goes black.


He collapsed.

I run over to him. What the fuck happened to him. This is really bad. I can't handle all of this right now. But I have to, for him.


"On it." Alex says.

"This can't be happening." Matt says.

I can help but think. Why did this happen? How can I help? Why is he like this? What happened to him in the past? Why did it affect him so much? Why him? Do I know anything that can help? Who can help him? Wheres Olivia and how does she help him? Who is Olivia? Where is this fucking ambulance?

After five minutes I hear the sirens of the ambulance. They get out and run over to him checking his pulse, heart rate, ect...

"Who is going to ride in the ambulance with him?" One of the guys asks his parents.

"Why would we?" His dad asks.

"Maddie will." Noah says.

"But noa-" I start.

"Go." He says.

I get in the ambulance with him. Whats wrong with his parents? They didn't come for him. I hate hospitals. I had to go to one after an incident with Lucas.


It hurts, my hole body hurts. Lucas is hitting me over and over again.

"Who where you with babe." He says.

"I was with my brothers." I say weakly.

"Bullshit you where with some guys." He says.


"Why would you say that?" I ask.

"Because you don't have to be with your brothers 24/7." He says.


"But I do."



"Your a fucking lier Maddie thats all you do."







I can hardly feel my body. We where supposed to meet up at his place. I has late because I had to watch my brother till my mom came home. I still didn't trust my mom with them but I can't keep blowing Lucas off. But of course he thinks I was out with another guy. I would never do that. I have always been loyal to Lucas. Plus I would never do that to anyone. Lucas cheated on me twice both times drunk. I want to break up with him but I'm scared to what he would do. I try to get up but I can't.  I finally feel blackness take over.


I wake up in a hospital bed. I have no clue how I got here until I see Lucas with tears in his eyes. Why is he crying.

"Shes awake." He says.

I see someone walk in.

"Your lucky your boyfriend brought you in. You could have died. You have 5 broken ribs. A Sprained ankle. A lot of bruses on you wrist and arm." She says.

"Can you tell me what happened?" She asks.

Lucas gives me a 'if you tell her you will wish you have never been born' Look.

"No I don't." I say.

"Thats ok so we did some testing and found out that you will probably not be able to do a lot of things for 5 months." She says.

The doctor turns to Lucas. "Do you know what happened?" She says.

"Not completely but I got a call saying that my girlfriend was a whore and fucking someone else and to go to the address to see if he was lying or not. When I got there I heard this guy call her names like whore, hoe, bicth ect... then I saw him start to beat her up and kick her I tried to get him off but he was to strong." Lucas says and is full on balling his eyes out. Sick son of a bicth.

"I'm so sorry. Maddie we also got you tested for any signs of rape and there is a lot actually and you probably won't be able to get pregnant with that much damage but there is a chance that you could." She says and walks out.

"Your a fucking lier and bitch you told me you didn't see anyone else." He says.

"Did you hear the same thing as me Lucas she said rape you fucking idiot and your the one who did it to me." I say.

"Your a fucking bitch." He says and leaves.

I hate hospitals.

Flashback over

I haven't been to one since that day. I hate these places but I'm here for him. When we got here the doctors took him in to a room to check him out almost immediately. He has been in there for a few minutes. Noah, Alex, and Matt all run in.

"Where is he Maddie?" Noah asks.

"Is he ok?" Alex asks.

"Did they tell you anything?" Matt asks.

"They took him back, I don't know, and no, not yet." I say.

"Hello are you here for Duke?" A nurse says.

"Yes." We all say together.

"Hes fine. He must have had a couple bad days because he pasted out due to stress. Does anyone know why he would?" She asks.

We can't tell her because he beat up my abusive ex and burn down his own house.

"No I dont know,  at least not that I can think of." I lie. Man its really easy to lie to a doctor now I know how Lucas did it.

"Well he will be fine." She says.


So I wrote another chapter im trying to go to 20 chapters altogether but this is a kinda short story so it might be shorter but thats ok.

Please comment, vote, follow, and check out my other book.

Love y'all 💓

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