Chapter 14

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As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Jenna stirred from her slumber, her senses slowly returning to her.

Blinking sleep from her eyes, she reached out for Emma, only to find the space beside her empty and cold.

"Emma?" Jenna murmured, sitting up and scanning the room.

There was no trace of Emma—not in the bed, not in the bathroom, not anywhere.

Frowning, Jenna glanced down at herself, realizing she was still wearing the clothes from the night before—her shirt unbuttoned, her hair tousled from sleep. "Where could she be?" she wondered aloud.

She hurried downstairs to the kitchen. Turning slowly, she saw Emma standing in the doorway, clad in nothing but a pair of boxers and a loose-fitting shirt.

"Good morning, beautiful," Emma said, her voice soft and teasing. "Did you sleep well?"

Jenna's heart pounded with relief and she smiled. "I did, thanks to you. But where did you disappear to, leaving me all alone?"

Emma's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I woke up early and decided to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Consider this a reward for last night's...activities."

Jenna's gaze fell upon the table beside the bed, seeing a tray laden with pancakes, bacon, and freshly brewed coffee—a feast fit for a queen. "You made all this?" she asked, eyes wide with appreciation.

"Of course," Emma replied, stepping closer. "I wanted to spoil my girl."

Jenna moved closer, taking Emma's hand. "You're amazing. Thank you."

Emma squeezed her hand, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Anything for you, gorgeous. Now, let's eat before it gets cold. Though, I must admit, I was hoping to heat things up."

They sat down together, laughter mingling with the soft strains of music drifting through the air.

"This is delicious," Jenna said between bites of pancake. "You should cook more often."

Emma chuckled, leaning in. "Only if you promise to keep rewarding me like last night."

Jenna blushed, playfully nudging Emma. "Deal. But you might have to earn it."

Emma's eyes sparkled. "Oh, I intend to. You just wait."

They talked and laughed as they savored their breakfast together, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

"Remember our first breakfast together?" Jenna asked, a nostalgic smile on her face.

"How could I forget?" Emma replied. "I burnt the toast and you pretended it was the best toast you'd ever had."

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," Jenna said, laughing. "But you've come a long way since then."

"And so have we," Emma added, her voice softening. "I wouldn't trade a single moment."

Jenna leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. "Me neither. This is just the beginning."

Emma nodded, her eyes full of love. "A journey filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities."


After finishing their breakfast together, Jenna and Emma got ready for the day ahead.

They took turns showering and getting dressed, their laughter filling the apartment as they playfully teased each other about their choice of outfits.

“Really, Emma? Those pants again?” Jenna teased.

Emma shot back, “Oh, like your polka dot skirt is any better!”

Once they were both ready, they made their way out of the apartment and into the crisp morning air.

“The sun’s so bright today,” Jenna said, shielding her eyes.

“It’s perfect,” Emma replied. “A great day for the café.”

As they entered the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries enveloped them, beckoning them inside.

“I love this place,” Jenna said, taking in the familiar sights and smells.

“Me too,” Emma agreed, finding a cozy table by the window. “Let’s sit here.”

They settled in, their hands intertwined on the table as they perused the menu.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely in need of some caffeine,” Jenna said with a grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Emma laughed, squeezing Jenna's hand affectionately. “Me too! And maybe a pastry or two to go with it.”

They placed their orders with the friendly barista, their anticipation building as they waited for their drinks to arrive.

“So,” Jenna began, “remember our trip to the mountains?”

Emma’s eyes lit up. “How could I forget? You almost fell into that creek!”

Jenna chuckled. “I blame you for daring me to jump.”

Their steaming mugs of coffee and plates of pastries arrived, and they wasted no time digging in.

“This coffee is amazing,” Emma said, taking a sip.

“And these pastries,” Jenna added, her mouth full. “Heavenly.”

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, their laughter echoing throughout the café.

“Remember when we first met?” Emma asked, smiling.

Jenna’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “How could I forget? You were getting arrested…sexily and hotly.”

Emma blushed, laughing. “I wasn’t expecting to meet someone while in handcuffs, that’s for sure.”

“And I wasn’t expecting to find it so intriguing,” Jenna teased, squeezing her hand.

They held hands on the table, their fingers intertwined as they gazed into each other's eyes.

“We’ve come a long way,” Jenna said softly.

“And there’s so much more ahead,” Emma replied. “Together.”

With each passing moment, their bond grew stronger. They talked about everything and nothing, their words dancing on the air like music.

“I can’t wait to see what the future holds,” Jenna said, her voice filled with excitement.

“As long as we’re together,” Emma said, “we can conquer anything.”

And as they looked ahead to the future, Jenna and Emma knew that their love would stand the test of time.



Hello! So This story will be coming to an end, because I found this story uninteresting for myself, but ill be making a similar stories to this, but more mature and longer.

It will be a big slowburn so it will last 40 or 30 chapters.

Thank you for reading!

Dont forget to vote please! 🫶

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