Chapter 10

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Jenna sat at her desk in the bustling office, surrounded by the familiar hum of activity. Hunter and Captain Hektor were nearby, engaged in a discussion about an upcoming case involving a string of burglaries in the downtown area. Their voices carried across the room as they strategized the next steps in their investigation.

"Hunter, let's review the surveillance footage from the past week," Captain Hektor suggested, his tone authoritative yet measured.

Hunter nodded, his expression focused. "Got it, Captain. I'll compile the footage and cross-reference it with our suspect profiles."

As the two continued their conversation, Jenna glanced up from her work, her attention drawn by their discussion. She observed the interplay between Hunter and Captain Hektor, noting their shared commitment to solving the case.

The sound of footsteps interrupted their conversation—a familiar figure entering the room.

Emma sauntered in with a casual air, a slight smile playing on her lips. In her hands, she held Jenna's forgotten lunch bag, a small but significant detail that caught Jenna off guard.

As Jenna noticed Emma's approach, she stood up and faced her with a warm smile. "Hey..." she greeted softly.

"Hey, detective," Emma replied, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

In that moment, Jenna couldn't help but admire Emma's relaxed demeanor, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. Their brief exchange caught the attention of Hunter and Captain Hektor, who observed with curious expressions.

Emma continued, "You left this at my... uh, my sarge's house. Yeah," she added, a playful glint in her eye.

Jenna's gaze lingered on Emma, a mix of affection and admiration reflected in her eyes as she watched Emma leave the office.

Once Emma departed, Hunter couldn't resist commenting on the situation. " there something going on here?" he teased, a knowing glint in his eye.

Captain Hektor, his curiosity piqued, looked on with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Everything alright, Ortega?"

Jenna, mindful of the need to keep her personal life private, crafted a diplomatic response. "Interviewed Emma at her place and stayed late to wrap things up," she explained, her tone matter-of-fact.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but opting not to push further. "Late night, huh?"

Jenna nodded, grateful for the diversion. "Yeah, just tying up loose ends."

As the conversation drifted to other matters, Jenna's thoughts lingered on the morning's events. Her mind drifted to Emma, the woman who had captured her heart amidst the complexities of their shared professional world.

Later that afternoon, Captain Hektor summoned Jenna to his office, prompting a mixture of concern and intrigue from Hunter.

"Well... you're in trouble..." Hunter quipped with a mischievous grin as Jenna let out a sigh and made her way towards Captain Hektor's office.

Inside, Captain Hektor cut straight to the point. "Ortega, is there anything going on between you and Emma Myers?"

Jenna hesitated, grappling with the weight of Captain Hektor's direct inquiry. After a brief pause, she mustered the courage to respond truthfully. "Yes, we... we're in love and kissed last night," she admitted, her voice steady but tinged with vulnerability.

Captain Hektor let out a sigh, his expression softening with understanding. He was well aware of the complexities that often arose in the lives of his detectives. "I see," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "Just remember, you're still working Emma's case."

Relief washed over Jenna as she processed Captain Hektor's response. She nodded gratefully, her smile returning as she realized she had his support.

"Understood, Captain," Jenna replied, a weight lifting from her shoulders. With a renewed sense of purpose, she left Captain Hektor's office, ready to face the day with renewed clarity and determination.


Later that evening, as Jenna sat at her desk engaged in conversation with Hunter about going to the new cafe down the street.

"We could go tomorrow because I have a lot of things to do today, sorry." Hunter said.

"Sure. 7:30?" Jenna said back, recieving a response, "Im down." From Hunter.

She smiled at Hunter, when her phone buzzed with a new message. With a quick glance to ensure Hunter wasn't watching, Jenna discreetly grabs her phone and peeks to see who messaged.

it was Emma.

Hunter smirked at Jenna's fast respond, knowing who texted her. "Ill leave you alone..for now.." He leaves Jenna at her desk, smirking and waving her off, meaning he'll be going home.

Jenna waved back at Hunter, and clicks the notification on her phone with excitement and curiosity.

"Miss you already," the first message read, followed by another that hinted at a hint of danger. "Almost got caught..."

Jenna's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she read Emma's messages. The final message appeared, inviting Jenna to spend more time together.

"I'm downstairs waiting if your done, sweetheart. Just come to the car outside and I'll bring you to my place, so we could...hang out." Emma's message read.

" Sounds good?"

Jenna felt a rush of warmth as she responded, her fingers dancing over the screen.

She carefully crafted her reply, her mind racing with anticipation."Sure, sounds perfect. Can't wait to see you," Jenna replied, adding a playful wink emoji.

Emma's response came swiftly, filled with a hint of flirtation that sent a shiver down Jenna's spine.

"I'll be there in no time, love. Get ready for some fun," Emma's message read, accompanied by a flurry of heart and kiss emojis.

Jenna couldn't contain her smile as she tucked her phone away, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

Her thoughts were consumed by the prospect of spending more time with Emma, relishing in the warmth of their connection.

As Jenna packed up her belongings at the end of the day, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the time she would spend with Emma.

With a smile on her face, Jenna headed out, eager for the next chapter in her blossoming relationship with Emma.


I may or may not make the smut chapter the next chapter, so stay tunedd........


Thank you all so much for the support and I promise you, after this story, ill make another story which is WAY better as soon as I can!

Thank you for reading!

(Spoiler:  👚💋❤️‍🔥)

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