Chapter 5

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As I promised, Chapter 5!


As Jenna settled back into her office at the precinct, her phone buzzed with an incoming call.

She glanced at the screen to see her younger sister Aliyah's name displayed. Jenna smiled and quickly answered.

"Hey, Aliyah! It's good to hear from you," Jenna greeted warmly.

"Hey, sis! How's work going?" Aliyah's voice came through, full of genuine interest.

Jenna leaned back in her chair, feeling a sense of comfort in her sister's familiar tone.

"Busy as usual, but I can't complain. What about you? How's everything on your end?"

Aliyah launched into an animated description of her recent experiences. "Work has been hectic, but I've been enjoying it.

I've been learning a lot in my new position at the museum. You know how much I love art history!"

Jenna smiled, picturing Aliyah's enthusiasm. "That's great to hear! And what about your photography? Any new projects?"

"Yeah, I've been exploring more nature photography lately," Aliyah continued.

"Last weekend, I went on a hiking trip to the nearby national park. The landscapes were breathtaking!"

Jenna listened intently, grateful for the chance to catch up with her sister.

After sharing more details about her recent adventures, Aliyah shifted the conversation back to Jenna's work.

"So, what's the latest case you're working on? Anything interesting?" Aliyah asked.

Jenna's expression grew serious. "Actually, it's quite a complex one.

I'm investigating Emma Myers, also known as the 'Clover Mafia.' She's been elusive for years."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Aliyah responded. "Emma Myers? That name sounds familiar..."

Jenna's curiosity piqued. "You've heard of her?"

"Yeah, I remember hearing some things about her," Aliyah replied.

"I think she used to live in Riverside, that old apartment building on Maple Street. But that was a long time ago."

"How did you know?" Jenna replied, her voice filled with curiosity.

Aliyah replied, "My friend used to live in the apartment, so i visited all the time, and everytime I do, I always pass by her."

"Really?" Jenna's surprise was evident in her voice. "Riverside? Maple Street? Are you sure?"

Aliyah hesitated. "I... I'm pretty sure. It's been a while since I heard anything about her living there."

Jenna's mind raced with possibilities. "Thanks, Aliyah. That's a big help. If you find out anything else, please let me know."

"I will, Jenna. Stay safe out there," Aliyah said before they ended the call.

Jenna sat back in her chair, processing the new information. The mention of Riverside and Maple Street lingered in Jenna's mind like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Determined to unearth more clues about Emma Myers, Jenna made a bold decision to visit the old apartment building where Emma supposedly lived during her mysterious past.

Jenna swiftly grabbed her coat, her mind focused on the task ahead. She dialed a taxi and soon found herself navigating through the bustling streets of the city towards Maple Street.

The taxi pulled up to the weathered apartment building, its exterior showing signs of age and neglect.

Entering the building, Jenna approached the apartment owner at the front desk, a middle-aged man with a tired expression.

"Excuse me," Jenna began, her tone polite yet direct.

"I'm investigating a case and I was wondering if you could help me. Did a woman named Emma Myers used to live here?"

The owner nodded slowly, recognition flickering in his eyes. "Yes, Emma Myers. She rented apartment 8B on the second floor. But that was a long time ago."

Jenna's heart quickened with anticipation. "Is the apartment still vacant? Can I take a look inside?"

The owner hesitated, then handed Jenna a set of keys. "Sure, but I can't promise you'll find much. Feel free to take a look."

Grateful for the opportunity, Jenna ascended the creaky staircase to the second floor.

She located apartment 8B and quickly unlocked the door, stepping into the dimly lit space.

The apartment was frozen in time, sparsely furnished with remnants of a life once lived.

Dust danced in the filtered sunlight that seeped through the grimy windows.

Jenna took out her flashlight and began to meticulously search for any traces of Emma's presence.

She opened drawers, checked closets, and examined shelves, her keen eyes scanning for clues.

Meanwhile, she dialed Hunter's number, knowing she could use his expertise in combing through potential evidence.

"Hunter, it's Jenna. I'm at Maple Street, investigating Emma Myers's old apartment. Can you meet me here? I could use your skills," Jenna said when he answered.

"Of course, Jenna. I'll be right there," Hunter replied.

As Jenna continued her search, she meticulously combed through every inch of the apartment, determined to uncover any remnants of Emma's past activities.

When Hunter arrived, he joined Jenna in the investigation.

Together, they carefully scrutinized every corner of the apartment, exchanging theories and observations.

Hours passed, but Jenna's determination only grew stronger.

She was determined to unearth whatever secrets this apartment held, hoping it would shed light on Emma Myers's enigmatic past and her current activities.

As Jenna and Hunter continued their search, the apartment whispered echoes of a life once lived—a life that intertwined with crime and mystery.

With each piece of evidence they uncovered, Jenna's resolve deepened. The hunt for Emma Myers was far from over, but she was determined to pursue the truth, no matter where it led.

Their efforts yielded a few promising leads—a tattered notebook hidden in a drawer, a faded photograph tucked away in a corner.

Each discovery fueled Jenna's determination to crack the case wide open.

As evening descended and shadows lengthened, Jenna and Hunter reluctantly concluded their search.

Jenna locked the door, going downstairs and returning the key to the apartment owner, recieving a thank you back.

Before leaving the old apartment, Jenna turned to the apartment owner. "Can I ask when was the last time Emma Myers lived here?"

The older woman paused, thinking back. "About three months ago, she left suddenly. Never said where she was going."

Jenna nodded, absorbing the information.

Three months—a significant timeframe that could provide valuable context to Emma's recent activities.

Both Jenna and Hunter left the apartment, with Jenna's mind racing with new insights and questions.


Back at the precinct, Jenna poured over the evidence they collected, her thoughts consumed by the enigma of Emma Myers and the secrets waiting to be unveiled.

Armed with this new piece of the puzzle, Jenna's determination burned brighter than ever.

The hunt for Emma Myers had taken an intriguing turn, and Jenna was prepared to follow the trail wherever it led.

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