Chapter 20: perfect plan

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It's finally the day!

Not that I slept a wink last night. I was anxious and waiting for Rick but he didn't return.

It made me think that perhaps Autumn slept in the cell and only returned this morning. Well, I gave her all the time in the whole world because I wanted to know everything they would discuss alone. Anthony wouldn't lie to his daughter when they were alone.

Tito stepped inside and bowed slightly. “Gwen's parents will be here in three hours,” she announces, jerking me out of my thoughts

I drag my breath and look at her. “Do you think Autumn is ready?”

She nods in assurance, her head slightly bowed as a sign of respect. “Yes, I think so.”

“You think?” I raise a skeptical brow.

She smiles. “I know so, Alpha. Autumn is a very intelligent girl. She was able to master everything. I made sure she finished everything yesterday afternoon. And this morning, I watched her mimic Gwen and she did excellently well,” she explains.

I release a sigh of relief. This has to work perfectly.

“Good then. You should make sure she's very perfect before Gwen's parents arrive.”

Tito nods again. “Alright Alpha.”

“You are dismissed then,” I muttered and stood. “And oh,” I say quickly before Tito opens the door. She stops almost immediately and turns to look at me again. “Make sure she's well fed. I will join you soon.”.

She bows and finally steps out of the room.

The door opened almost immediately and I thought it was Tito again, until that peppermint scent hit my nose.

It's Rick.

I turned to look at him. “I want to know everything they discussed. You must not leave anything behind!” I ordered.

Rick hesitates as if thinking about it. I wondered what he heard that was making him so hesitant.

He releases a sigh and finally looks up at me. “Autumn didn't seem to know about the magic town until yesterday when she asked her parents about it,” he revealed.

Oh, she was telling the truth?

I regard him for another moment. “That's all?”

He shakes his head briefly. “Actually, there's more to it, Alpha,” he mutters and takes a step closer to me as if he didn't want anyone to hear us. “It's confusing, no matter how much I try to understand it.”

My curiosity was piqued.

I studied his expression for a moment. “What is? Did they talk about anything that shows where Gwen is?”

“Not that,”

“Autumn's parents want her to escape. They feel it's the witches who kidnapped Gwen. So, they want her to escape, and find her mate.”

I raise skeptical brows, confused. “I don't understand. I'm Autumn's mate.”

Rick nods once. “But they don't know that. Apparently, Autumn didn't inform them. But they looked so certain when they informed her to escape, look for her mate, and win the war,” he further explained.

So, Anthony doesn't know initially that I'm Autumn's mate? That changes a lot.

“But why will they be bent on looking for her mate?”

I shrug briefly. “Perhaps they expect her to be a mate to an Alpha king so that she could rescue them.”

Rick nods once. “Maybe but I will inform you later on if I find more concerning it. Anyways, Autumn assured them that she was going to escape.”

A scoff escaped me as I moved to my closet. “She must think highly of herself because she's the Alpha’s daughter. The moon goddess really disappointed them by making their only child an omega,” I said with sarcasm, as I went through my fur cardigan and quickly decided on the one to wear.

“Well, I know Alpha daughters might come as an Omega but it wouldn't be the only child. That's always a rare case but there are other cases that's rare too,” Rick mutters.

I finally selected a fur.

“What rare cases?”

A bit of hesitation again. “That Autumn has a hidden Alpha wolf.”

I turned to look at Rick again, as different thoughts penetrated my mind. Hidden Alpha Wolf?

“Yes, and she might be aware. If her parents think she should find her mate and win the war, she would definitely have hidden Alpha wolf or_” his voice trailed off, and his eyes widened with shock. “What if her mate is the only person to unlock the wolf?”

I stare, with neither shock nor amazement. “Is there something like that?”

“Yes! Kris!” Rick added more pressure. “This happened to Cindy, have you forgotten?”

That's right. Cindy was an Alpha but everyone thought she was an omega. Her wolf went into hiding until later when she found her mate.

“Like you said, it's a rare case. This might not be part of those rare cases,” I say stubbornly.

“But what if it really is? Then you are the mate that would unlock her wolf.”

“Then it will never happen because I'm not unlocking any shit! I will release her when I find Gwen, like I've promised her. That is if I find Gwen at the stipulated time. If not, Autumn will die. She can go to hell for all I care!” I mutter with indignation.

I can say that just talking about it is elevating my anger.

Rick nods once. “Alright Alpha.”

“Gwen's parents are arriving soon. Set a small welcome party for them.”

Rick bows slightly. “Alright and oh, I got another note for you,” he announces and pulls out a note. “This is what the maids are currently discussing.”

I took it quickly, my hands shaking. Heaven knows I can't wait to find out if our plan worked. Gwen’s parents are arriving soon. It has to, it must.

It was the slam of the door that convinced me that Rick had left but I wasn't bothered about that. I was more focused on the note in my hand.

My eyes went wide with anticipation as I started going through the content of the paper.

The first thing I saw was, ‘Gwen kissed Alpha Kris on the way to meet the Alphas’

As much as I want to deal with Autumn for kissing me without permission. I think this rumour is going to save her.

What she did, elevated the rumour and made our plan work perfectly.

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