Chapter 15

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I hear my alarm go off. I get up and start getting ready for school. Today I decided to wear some blue jeans with a black button up top and my converses. I then put on my jewelry and read my devotional.

September 4

I AM A GOD of both intricate detail and overflowing abundance. When you entrust the details of your life to Me, you are surprised by how throughly I answer your petitions. I take pleasure in hearing your prayers, so feel free to bring Me all your requests. The more you pray, the more answers you can receive. Best of all, your faith is strengthen as you see how precisely I respond to your specific prayers. Come to Me in joyful expectation of receiving all you need and some times much more! I delight in showering blessing on My beloved children. Come to Me with open hands and heart, ready to receive all I have for you.

After I finish reading that since I washed Miss Swans clothes I folded them and put them in my bag to give them back.


When I walk in the cafeteria I see Sherwood and Edie sitting at a table I walk over to them and sit down.

"Good morning guys!" I say smiling.

"Good morning." They say in unison not so happy.

Then Anna and Bella walk in.

"We should get to class guys." Anna says.

"Yeah." I say.

Today in Miss Scott's class all we did was email each other. Because she said some people didn't know how to email professionally. Then maths...

We all walk to maths and take our seats. Today we just worked on Edpuzzle.

Then it's time to go to English. Me and Bell walk together. We walk in and take our seats. Miss Swan is at the front sitting at her desk. The bell rings and class begins.

"Good Morning class." She says coldly. Today we're gonna get more into Matilda's character." She adds.

"So in Matilda we see that she copes by reading books. So I want y'all to write an essay about it and then you will be done for today." She says as she sits back down at her desk. And I start writing.

Matilda finds comfort in the stories within the pages. Her escape from the horrid world around her. To get away from her mean and unloving parents. She found love in the books within her touch. For once to know that she wasn't alone and can one day find that love too.

Once I'm finished I turn my paper in and sit down. Before I know it, it's time to go. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I need to talk to Miss Swan." I tell Bell. "Okay." She says as she walks out with the rest of the class.

The last person closes the door and I walk up to her desk and place the clothes next to her. She doesn't look away from her computer and stays silent. "Hey." I say trying to get her to look at me. "Hey." She says just above a whisper, still not meeting my eyes. "You can keep the clothes I don't need them." She adds coldly.

"Oh okay, are you okay?" I ask wanting her to open up to me. "Yeah I'm fine." She says. "You know you can always talk to me right?" I ask trying to reassure her that she can talk to me. "Mhm." She says still looking at some papers.

"Okay." I say as I hug her from behind her still sitting in her chair. She doesn't soften in the hug.

"Have a good day." I say as I walk out. Why is she not talking to me. Did I do something wrong? Or maybe she's just going through somethings. I don't know..

"What took you so long?" Bell ask.

"Honesty I don't even know."

"Well me and James have really been doing good, and I really like him Brooklyn." Bella says as she's smiling as wide as she can.

"I'm happy for you Bell." I say with a smile.


Once I get home I just chill on my phone. Why don't I message Miss Swan just to check in her again.

Brooklyn : Are you okay, you seemed off today. You know I'm always here. I love you.


I then wash and read my Bible tonight I read Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

I then say my prayers and drift off to sleep.


Hey my beautiful people!! I know today's chapter was short but it'll all make sense in the next chapter! Jesus loves you so so so much and so do I. Xx

Light In the Darkness! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora