Chapter 14

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I wake up to the sun shining through the blinds, the birds chirping loudly. I let out a satisfied groan as I stretched my arms. I sit up and remember where I am. I'm at Ms. Swans. I look at my phone to see it's 5:57. My alarm was about to go off at 6 so I just get up and go across the hall to use the potty and brush my teeth as well as wash my face.

"Lord thank you for today! I pray that you would lead and guide me in all that I do." I say. And then walk down the stairs.

I smell coffee brewing and something smells so good. I walk Into the kitchen to see Ms. Swan cooking and swaying her hips to the music.
"Good Morning!" I say as I sit at the counter. "Good Morning Darling." She says in a morning voice as she looks at me, but then turning her attention back to the food on the stove.

"How did you sleep?" She ask.

"Really good." I say.

"That's good." She says.

"What are you making that smells so delicious?" I ask as I look at her with my brow raised.

"Grits and eggs with some sausage." She says.

"Oh okay." I say, as I sit there patiently waiting for her to finish.

Bell, Anna and Edie come back to school today. So that should be interesting. Gosh what am I supposed to wear I have nothing with me but my phone and book bag. I walk over to the fridge and get me some tea. I then take a sip. Umm tea is sooo good. I'm not sure how to explain it but it's like soothing for my soul.

"Foods ready." She says snapping my out of my thoughts. I then get out two plates and she starts putting the food on them and we sit at the counter, eating in peaceful silence. After we're finished I put our plates in the sink.

"I laid out some clothes for you on the couch." She says.

"Okay, thank you." I say as I walk to the living room. I pet Jules and grab the clothes and flats she put out for me. I then walk up stairs to the room. Once I'm in the room I lay the clothes down quickly making up the bed, making sure it's just as it was when I came. After I do that I get dressed and then look in the mirror. She gave me some white pants that fit my curves perfectly along with a white and blue striped button up top and some white flats to match. Aww she's so thoughtful!!

I then hear I knock on the door. "Brooklyn are you ready?" She ask. "Yes ma'am, be there in a minute." I say as I pick up my book bag and walk out the door. She standing in the hall way and wow she looks gorgeous. She is wearing some white pants with a black laced top underneath her white blazer along with some black heels.

"It's not nice to stare." She says with a chuckle. "Sorry." I say a bit embarrassed. "You look better in my clothes than I do." She says looking me up and down. "Aww thank you, but you look absolutely breathtaking in that outfit." I say with a smile. "Why thank you." She says as she returns the smile.

We then walk down stairs and I pet Jules bye. "Bye girl." I say. We then walk to the car and get in. She then starts playing I'll be there by Jess Glynne. I sing along cause I know it. "Wow I didn't know you could sing." She says in shock. "I've always loved to sing!" I say.

We then pull up to the school house. We get our things and get out. We got here around 7:30 so no one is really here yet. We walk in and start walking down the hall. "I'll see you later yeah." I say as we're about to part ways. You know it." She says as she walks the opposite way of me. I walk in the cafeteria and wait for Bell, Anna, Edie and Sherwood to show up.

After about 15 minutes Edie and Sherwood walk in. They sit down beside me. "Heyy." I say. "Hey." Edie says clearly not happy to be back. Then Anna and Bella walk through the doors. "How have y'all been." I ask as I give them hugs. "Good, Anna's talking to Kaden now." Bell blurts out. "Wow Anna congratulations." I say with a smile. She blushes softly. "Well we should head to class." Edie says as she stands up. "Yeah we should." I say as we all stand up and walk to our classes.

Miss Scott's class was okay it went by fast. Me and Sherwood then walk to maths and wait for Anna, Bell and Edie. We soon see them walk in. We just work in our maths book for today. The bell rings and we get up to go to our next class. Bell locks her arm in mine and we start walking to English. Miss Swan is standing by the door. "Good morning girls." She says in her cold tone. "Good morning Miss." Bella says say. "Good morning." I say with a smile. And she lightly smiles back.

We walk in and take our seats. "So me and James have been talking some." Bella says says. "Oh, that's good." I say trying not to sound jealous. "Um no don't do that, you cannot jealous." Bell says. "I didn't get jealous over you and Jacob." She adds. "Oh yes you did, you always hate when I bring him up and talk about our dates." I say.

Jacob is the boy I'm talking to. His mama works with my mama. We've been talking for about a few months now and we've been on three dates so far. I really like him. I know God sent him to me. He's all I've dreamed of and more. And I can't wait to grow up and get married and have kids. Doing what God had called us to do together. Suddenly Miss Swans at the front of the class room clapping her hands.

"Attention please." She says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Today we're gonna talk some more about the themes in Matilda. So y'all's gonna get in groups of two and I'm gonna give you a theme. Y'all are gonna have to have evidence to back it up. Understood?" She ask staring into my soul feels like.

"Yes ma'am." I say as I nod my head. "Will you do me the honors of being my partner?" Bell ask. "Of course!" I say. Miss Swan then comes up to our desk. "Y'all can get friendship." She says as she smiles at us. "Okay." Me and Bella say in unison as we smile back. We then get to work.

"Times up." She says. "Alright Alex and Robert come up." She adds. They both get up and walk to the front. "Today we're gonna be talking about family." Alex says. "In Matilda they both didn't have a loving family, but they were able to be a loving family within each other. They both loved and cared for each other like no one had before. So they found love and family within each other." Robert says. "They both got what they wanted in the end, a loving family." Alex adds.

"Good job." Miss Swan says as she smiles at them. Okay why is she smiling at them. I only like it when she smiles at me.

"Alright Brooklyn and Bell come on up." Miss Swan says as she motions for us to come up. We get up and walk to the front. "So today we will be presenting how friendship is a theme throughout Matilda." Bell says. "During the book Matilda meets people and becomes friends especially Lavender she was her best friend." I say feeling Miss Swans eyes on me.

"They both stood up for each other when Trunchbull was around. And even when she throw Amanda across the fence. Matilda saved her and she was okay. When Truchbull also throw the boy out the window. Again Matilda saved him. And Matilda's friendship with Miss Honey was the most valuable because they both understood each other like o one had before." I add coming to the end of our presentation.

We sit down and they all clap including Miss Swan. "Well done." She says. Then the others
go and presented.

The day goes by so fast. Before I know it we were in science doing a worksheet and notes. Then someone nocks on the door. "Come in." Miss Fall says. Miss Swan stands at the door way. "Hey, can I speak to Brooklyn for a moment." She ask. "Go ahead." Miss Fall says. I get up and walk over to the door. I then close it behind me.

"Would you like to come to my house after school?" Miss Swan ask with a questioning expression. "Sure I would love that." I say smiling. "Okay great, and I'll just take you home later on." She says with a smile. "Alright." I say as I walk back in the class room.

Class ends and as I'm walking out I give Miss Fall a hug since today she seemed a bit down. I then see Miss Swan out the corner of my eye. Once i hug Miss Fall and say bye to Anna, Edie, Bell and Sherwood. I walk to Miss Swans room.

I nock on the door gently and then walk in. "Hey." I say. "Hey." She says coldly not meeting my eyes. "I just remembered I have to be some where after school, so you won't be able to come over." She says while packing her things.

"Oh okay, that's fine." I say a bit sad. "Well I'll see you later." I say with a smile. She finally looks at me. "Sure." She says not smiling back. I walk out and head to the buses hoping I'm not too late. I find my bus and get on. I then listen to Another In The Fire by Hillsong.

Once I get home I rest and then do my chores. When I'm done with that I wash and read my Bible. Tonight I read Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.

I then get in my phone some and after a bit say my prayer and drift off to sleep.

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